Products 631 - 640 from 868. Products on page
  • Designing Multi-Media Arts

    Course Description: This course introduces fundamental concepts of multimedia arts. Students will learn about various tools and techniques to create interactive digital media works including web, motion graphics, photography, video, and audio. At the end of this course, students will be able to apply their creativity to design multi-media artworks with a professional touch. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basic principles of designing digital artworks
    • Apply various tools & techniques for creating multimedia content
    • Learn how to design pixel-perfect interfaces
    • Explore different approaches for animation & motion graphics
    • Utilize image effects & filters to create stunning images
    • Comprehend principles of audio post-production & mixing
    • Evaluate techniques for studio recordings
    • Create interactive visualizations with dynamic data
    • Develop strategies for efficient video editing
    • Design custom works based on creative ideas
  • Course Description: This course covers the fundamentals of digital communications. Students will learn about various communication channels and their features, such as digital audio, video, radio, internet services, and mobile networks. At the end of this course, students will be able to analyze modern communication systems and create custom applications for effective communication. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of digital communication systems
    • Learn how different channels are used for communication
    • Explore principles of data transmission & networking
    • Analyze voice over the internet (VoIP) & mobile networks
    • Utilize radio waves for broadcasting
    • Comprehend modulation techniques & protocols
    • Evaluate network security measures & encryption algorithms
    • Create custom applications on distributed systems
    • Develop strategies for efficient video streaming
    • Design custom solutions based on communication needs
  • Course Description:

    This course will provide participants with an understanding of the fundamentals of game production and prototyping. Topics covered include concept design, asset creation, scripting and gameplay mechanics development, quality assurance practices, project management skills, and user interface design. Participants will gain the knowledge necessary to develop a successful game product from prototype to final implementation. Course Objectives:
    • Create concepts and designs that are both creative and feasible
    • Utilize industry best practices when creating game assets
    • Develop scripts as required by design specifications
    • Construct various gameplay mechanics that replicate real-life situations
    • Implement quality assurance protocols to ensure error-free products
    • Apply project management skills to manage the development team
    • Design engaging user interfaces for a variety of platforms
    • Leverage software tools for asset creation and animation processes
    • Identify usage patterns within alpha testing environments
    • Deploy strategies for continual improvement in gameplay mechanics
  • Course Description:

    This specialization course will cover all elements of game programming, from basic 2D and 3D graphics to advanced topics such as audio and physics simulations. Participants will gain proficiency in scripting languages, game engine architecture, animation techniques and custom game engine development. Throughout the course, students will build a portfolio of games for multiple platforms and hone their technical implementation skills. Course Objectives:
    • Acquire mastery in the fundamentals of 2D & 3D graphics programming
    • Utilize scripting languages to create powerful applications
    • Understand the intricacies of game engine architecture
    • Incorporate audio tools and animation techniques into existing projects
    • Develop realistic physics simulations for immersive experiences
    • Construct effective user interfaces for smoothly engaging games
    • Design algorithms for reliable variables synchronization
    • Create custom game engines using modern technologies
    • Develop a portfolio of games optimized for multiple devices
    • Troubleshoot existing codebase for potential performance improvements
  • Course Description:

    This course will provide participants with an understanding of the fundamentals of an internship. Topics covered include job search skills, resume writing, interviewing techniques, office etiquette, networking strategies, and career exploration. Participants will gain the knowledge necessary to secure an internship position in their desired field of work and transition seamlessly into a professional work environment. Course Objectives:
    • Develop job search skills to identify suitable internships
    • Construct resumes and cover letters that stand out
    • Prepare for interviews with confidence
    • Implement effective communication techniques with supervisors and colleagues
    • Utilize networking avenues to gain insights from industry professionals
    • Understand accepted office etiquette when interacting with peers
    • Explore various career paths based on their interests
    • Develop business acumen through analysis of real-world environments
    • Leverage digital tools to increase efficiency on projects
    • Demonstrate initiative when completing assigned tasks
  • Course Description: This course will provide participants with an understanding of the fundamentals of game project development. Topics covered include advanced scripting and coding techniques, asset optimization, debugging technologies, and testing methods. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the development process as well as knowledge of how to identify weak points in product design.
  • Course Description: This course will provide advanced learning opportunities in game project development. Topics covered include level design, engine architecture, asset pipelines, 3D modeling techniques, and shader programming. Participants will apply their understanding of game project development to a complex development scenario with the aim of creating a high-quality product.
  • Course Description: This course will provide participants with an understanding of the fundamentals of video game production and management. Topics covered include conceptual design, budgeting, scheduling, implementation, testing, debugging, and release processes. Participants will also gain an understanding of how to manage a team involved in the production process and implementation of a successful video game product.
  • Course Description:

    This course will provide participants with an understanding of advanced game development principles and techniques. Topics covered include game mechanics design, game narrative design, artificial intelligence, player psychology and motivation, optimization of various platforms, and other concepts related to the field. Participants will gain an understanding of the highest-level aspects of game development necessary to succeed in professional settings. Course Objectives:
    • Identify and implement different types of game mechanics
    • Develop and craft stories within a gaming environment
    • Construct effective Artificial Intelligence models for games
    • Analyze how players are motivated by elements within games
    • Optimize games for various platforms such as mobile, console, or PC
    • Utilize specialized tools and techniques for creating innovative games
    • Design strategies for constructing an engaging user experience
    • Leverage industry best practices when developing a codebase
    • Assess the risks and rewards associated with implementing new features into existing products
    • Implement measures for continual improvement in game design
  • Course Description: This course will introduce participants to the fundamentals of game programming. Topics covered include 2D graphics programming, scripting languages, game engine architecture, and animation techniques. Participants will gain an understanding of core computer science concepts, develop their technical implementation skills and acquire a portfolio of game programming projects. Course Objectives:
    • Master the fundamentals of 2D graphics programming
    • Utilize scripting languages to create dynamic applications
    • Understand basic concepts of game engine architecture
    • Incorporate animation tools into existing projects
    • Design effective algorithms for game logic implementation
    • Construct efficient user interfaces that respond to player input
    • Develop powerful AIs for challenging game experiences
    • Implement data structures to optimize gameplay
    • Create a portfolio of games using modern technologies
    • Troubleshoot existing codebase for potential performance improvements