Products 1151 - 1160 from 1960. Products on page
  • Arts and Humanities (K-5)

    Course Description: This online course provides an introduction to the study of arts and humanities at the kindergarten to fifth-grade level. It covers key concepts, such as literature, music, art, and culture. You will learn about different techniques used in expressing creative ideas through visual media as well as how to apply a deeper understanding of symbolism and metaphor to areas such as storytelling and music. You will also gain an understanding of how cultures influence art forms around the world. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, videos,  and assignments you will develop your knowledge of arts and humanities while learning practical skills such as leading meaningful conversations around artwork, evaluating stories based on cultural perspectives, analyzing musical structure, comparing different visual styles between works of art, developing instructional strategies for making connections between subjects and fostering creativity in the classroom. This course is ideal for those who are new to teaching arts and humanities or are interested in pursuing a path involving more advanced topics in the subject. Course Objectives:
    • Define key terms related to arts and humanities
    • Analyze differences between artistic styles
    • Evaluate stories based on cultural perspective
    • Explain the musical structure
    • Compare visual styles across works of art
    • Develop strategies for reading aloud
    • Lead meaningful conversations around the artwork
    • Utilize storytelling to support instruction
    • Examine the influence of culture on artistic expression
    • Apply elements from multiple disciplines
  • Educational Policy Development
    Course Description:    This course provides an introduction to the field of educational policy development with special emphasis on theoretical and conceptual analyses of the behavior and attitudes of education's stakeholders and the policy performance of educational systems. 
    Learning Objectives: 
    • Have become more familiar with perspectives on policy and governance, more knowledgeable about the evolution of the policies of higher education, and aware of major conflicting social values that form the basis of the policies of American higher education
    • Be able to use alternative conceptual frameworks and theories, i.e., political culture, interest groups, conflict, power and educational reform/change in explaining political behavior in higher educational settings 
    • Know who the key actors and agencies are and what they do to translate demands and resources into policies and decisions affecting American higher education
    • Understand the process by which policies, decisions and actions are made in higher education institutions 
    • Be able to evaluate policy issues
    • Apply what has been learned to work settings and institutional environments
  • Ethics in Education

    Course Description:  This course explores legal and ethical issues that arise in elementary and secondary schools. It helps school leaders think through questions of educational policy and ethics that legal disputes raise but don’t resolve. Topics include liability for student injury, due process, search and seizure, staff appraisal, employment discrimination, church/state conflicts, control over the curriculum, the expression of controversial views, legal and ethical issues related to the financing and adequacy of state school finance plans, and the schools’ authority to make rules governing student and teacher conduct. The course also reviews ethical issues related to equal opportunity, including school desegregation, bilingual education, sexual discrimination and harassment, privacy issues, affirmative action, and the education of exceptional children. This online course covers key concepts, such as ethical decision-making, codes of conduct, ethical reasoning, and accountability. You will learn about different techniques used in determining the best courses of action based on ethical considerations as well as how to apply a deeper understanding of moral principles and values to areas such as resolving disputes and creating effective policies. You will also gain an understanding of how power dynamics in educational institutions can impact behavior and decision-making. Learning Objectives:
    • Understand the difference between ethics and the law
    • Think through questions of educational policy and ethics that legal disputes arise
    • Explore issues in contemporary educational issues
    • Define key terms related to ethics in education
    • Examine moral principles & values
    • Identify biases when making decisions
    • Balance autonomy & obligation
    • Develop strategies for managing complex dilemmas
    • Analyze conflicting perspectives
    • Lead meaningful conversations
    • Utilize effective communication techniques
    • Examine the power dynamics of educational institutions
    • Apply ethical principles from multiple disciplines
  • Diversity and Higher Education

    Course Description:  This course examines diversity in institutions of higher education from both a theoretical and historical framework.  It will provide a foundation for examining policy and practice by the study of key concepts in human diversity, legislation and case studies.  Best practice assessment methods are explored within the context of multicultural pedagogy.   
    Prerequisite: Graduate Program in Education 
    Learning Objectives: 
    • Develop an understanding of the history of diversity and the current state of access in American higher education 
    • Have a deeper understanding of the experiences of “Dominant and Non-Dominant” students, and the effect of diverse learning environments on the student outcomes 
    • Develop an understanding of implications for higher education and generate ideas for addressing those implications 
  • Nature and Needs of Middle-Grade Learners

    Course Description: This online course provides an introduction to the nature and needs of middle-grade learners. It covers key concepts, such as cognitive, social, physical, and emotional development. You will learn about different techniques used in understanding how middle-grade students think, act and learn as well as how to apply a deeper understanding of the unique characteristics associated with this age group. You will also gain an understanding of the various contexts that influence their growth and learning potential. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, and assignments you will develop your knowledge of the needs of middle-grade students while learning practical skills such as recognizing early warning signs regarding student behavior and motivation, implementing instructional strategies for diverse groups of students, fostering a positive classroom culture & climate for learning, responding supportively when facing challenging situations with students and examining external factors that shape academic performance. This course is ideal for those who are new to teaching middle-grade learners or are interested in pursuing a path involving more advanced topics in the subject. Course Objectives:
    • Analyze cognitive, social & physical development
    • Examine emotional growth
    • Recognize early warning signs & intervene appropriately
    • Implement instructional strategies for diverse student groups
    • Foster positive classroom culture
    • Address challenging situations with students
    • Utilize effective communication
    • Identify external influences on academic performance
    • Assess student learning & progress
    • Leverage technology to facilitate learning
  • Intercultural and Cosmopolitan Learning Course Description: This online course provides an introduction to the study of intercultural and cosmopolitan learning. It covers key concepts, such as cultural awareness, communication with diverse populations, building bridges between different cultures, and embracing diversity. You will learn about different techniques used in developing knowledge and skills related to cross-cultural collaborations as well as how to apply a deeper understanding of culture-sensitive practices to foster inclusion. You will also gain an understanding of how working collaboratively across cultures can lead to innovative approaches and long-term solutions. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, and assignments you will develop your knowledge of intercultural and cosmopolitan learning while learning practical skills such as recognizing bias & stereotypes in interpersonal interactions, adapting teaching materials & approaches for diverse settings, creating safe organizational environments for intercultural connections, engaging stakeholders in ethical decision making processes and engaging in meaningful dialogue when dealing with complex issues. This course is ideal for those who are new to examining intercultural matters or are interested in pursuing a path involving more advanced topics in the subject. Course Objectives:
    • Describe key principles & practices related to intercultural learning
    • Examine cultural awareness & communication strategies
    • Develop bridge-building skills
    • Develop strategies for fostering inclusion
    • Adapt teaching materials & approaches
    • Recognize bias & stereotypes
    • Create safe organizational environments
    • Engage stakeholders in ethical decision-making
    • Engage in meaningful dialogue
    • Use problem-solving processes with an intercultural lens
  • Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the Young Child Course Description: This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to lead healthier lives. The course will cover topics such as nutrition, exercise, mental health, safety in the home, school, and workplace, and more. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of nutrition and how it affects overall health
    • Learn how to create a balanced diet that meets individual needs
    • Identify different types of exercise and their benefits for physical health
    • Develop strategies for managing stress and improving mental health
    • Understand safety protocols in the home and school environment
    • Recognize potential hazards in the home or school environment and take steps to reduce the risk of injury or illness
    • Learn how to recognize signs of illness or injury in oneself or others and take appropriate action if necessary
    • Develop an understanding of first aid techniques for common injuries or illnesses, including CPR certification if applicable to local laws/regulations/standards/guidelines)
    • Understand the importance of regular medical checkups and preventive care measures such as vaccinations when applicable)
    • Understand how lifestyle choices can affect overall health, safety, and well-being over time (e.g., smoking cessation)
  • Philosophy of Higher Education 

    Course Description:   This course will examine the history and development of higher education including the study of the philosophy, objectives, and functions of various types of institutions. 
    Prerequisite: Graduate Program in Education 
    Learning Objectives
    • Understand why Higher Education was developed 
    • Show an increased knowledge of higher education history and philosophical changes 
    • Analyze higher education institutions and how historical events have shaped the institution
  • Whole Brain Education is a comprehensive designed to help teachers and students reach their maximum potential. It combines neuroscience, research-based strategies, and technology to provide an engaging learning experience for all ages. This course will focus on understanding the core principles of Whole Brain Education including assessment methods, activities, games, and classroom management techniques. Course participants will gain deeper insight into brain development in order to increase student achievement in various areas like academic performance and cognitive functioning. In addition, participants will come away with practical skills that can be applied directly in the classroom setting such as individualized instruction strategies and curriculum design based on the whole brain approach.
    Learning Objectives:
    • Understand how neuroscience informs instruction
    • Learn activities and best practices for utilizing WBE within classrooms
    • Explore tools for assessing student progress according to WBE
    • Develop lesson plans tailored toward individual needs
    • Create environments that foster positive peer relationships
    • Integrate technology and the internet of things into the instruction
    • Practice classroom management techniques based on Whole Brain Education principles
    At the end of this course, participants should have an understanding of how to use neuroscience-based strategies in order to create engaging learning experiences for their students. By signing up for this course, you will have access to a variety of resources that are essential for successful Whole Brain Education implementation.  
  • Perspectives of Early Childhood Education Course Description: This online course provides an introduction to the study of early childhood education. It covers key concepts, such as family dynamics, cultural differences, and teaching strategies. You will learn about different approaches used in early childhood education as well as how to apply a deeper understanding of educational theories & practices. You will also gain an understanding of how families & cultures influence children's learning and development. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, and assignments you will develop your knowledge of perspectives in early childhood education while learning practical skills such as understanding home-based curriculums, recognizing different learning styles & needs among children, utilizing effective discipline techniques & materials in the classroom environment, assessing individual student progress and exploring global influences on culture and parenting. This course is ideal for those who are new to working with young children or are interested in pursuing a path involving more advanced topics in the subject. Course Objectives:
    • Analyze child guidance techniques
    • Recognize different learning styles
    • Utilize effective discipline techniques
    • Assess individual progress
    • Explore culture & family influences
    • Incorporate materials for classroom use
    • Understand home-based curriculums
    • Facilitate meaningful interactions
    • Discuss environmental influences
    • Analyze global influences on parenting