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  • Introduction to International Business Course Syllabus

    Course Description: International business is the exchange of goods and services between countries. It includes activities such as the production, distribution, and marketing of products or services across international borders. This course will provide an overview of the fundamentals of international business, including topics such as global markets, trade agreements, and international finance. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the different types of international business activities
    • Learn about the various factors that influence international business
    • Develop an understanding of the global economy and its impact on businesses
    • Analyze the risks associated with conducting business in foreign markets
    • Explore strategies for managing cultural differences in a global environment
    • Examine methods for mitigating political risk when doing business abroad
    • Investigate ways to access capital for international expansion
    • Evaluate legal considerations when entering new markets
    • Analyze current trends in global trade and their implications for businesses
    • Develop skills for effective communication in a multicultural setting
  • Course Description:  This course is designed to demonstrate the role of marketing in the company; to explore the relationship of marketing to other functions; and to show how effective marketing builds on a thorough understanding of buyer behavior to create value for customers. 
    Course Objectives: 
    • Make marketing decisions in the context of general management
    • Control the elements of the marketing mix—product policy, channels of distribution, communication, and pricing—to satisfy customer needs profitably
    • Use this knowledge in a brand management simulation  
  • Course Description: 

    This course provides students a comprehensive overview of the industry; learn what petroleum is, where it comes from and how it affects all of our lives on a daily basis. Become familiar with the various phases of the Oil and Gas Value Chain – upstream, midstream and downstream – the key industry players, the basics of oil and gas supply, demand and pricing and the challenges that the industry faces as demand for these important form of energy grows by 50% in the next 25 years. 
    Learning Objectives: 
    • Basic knowledge of the oil & gas lifecycle from reservoir to finished product 
    • Basic knowledge of the oil & gas industry and the processes and technology involved  
    • Insight and understanding of the participants work and role in a larger context 
  • Global Supply Networks in Latin America Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of global supply chain management with a particular focus on Latin America and the Caribbean. Students will gain an understanding of the current trends in supply networks, logistics, and innovation in the region, as well as strategies for harnessing shifting supply chains. The course will also cover topics such as e-commerce, consumer expectations, nearshoring, manufacturing culture, and more. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the current trends in global supply networks in Latin America and the Caribbean
    • Analyze disruptions to supply chains in the region
    • Identify strategies for harnessing shifting supply chains
    • Explore e-commerce and consumer expectations for fast delivery
    • Examine nearshoring opportunities in Latin American countries
    • Evaluate manufacturing culture within Latin America
    • Discuss obstacles faced by companies looking to use suppliers in Latin America
    • Develop best practices for international supply chain management
    • Analyze how to attract more manufacturers, retailers & supply chain operations
    • Analyze participation levels of global value chains within Latin American countries
  • Course Description:  The course is designed for the perspective of the general manager attempting to leverage the human resources of the organization in ways that create not only revenues, profits, and growth, but also create a unique place to work, create unique products and services, and create employees and customers who are apostles of the enterprise. 
    Course Objectives: 
    • About the ways to achieve high performance by way of organizational effectiveness through people. 
    • About how people are motivated, and how assumptions drive the kind of processes, structures and strategies they create. 
    • How to create high expectations of self and others not only within the class but also within the organizations 
    • Specific skills required for a general manager to operate those levers to achieve the desired results. 
  • Course Description:  This course will cover human resource management practices in areas of human resource planning, recruitment, selection, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation, discipline, safety audits, and personnel research. It includes applications in employment law and discussion of interface of line and staff responsibilities in organization. Course Objectives: 
    • Synthesize information regarding the effectiveness of recruiting methods and the validity of selection procedures, and make appropriate staffing decisions
    • Properly interpret salary survey data and design a pay structure with appropriate pay grades and pay ranges 
    • Demonstrate knowledge of employee benefit concepts, plan design, administrative considerations and regulations governing employee benefit practices
    • Evaluate a company’s implementation of a performance-based pay system 
    • Design a training program using a useful framework for evaluating training needs, designing a training program, and evaluating training results 
  • Course Description:  This course covers the knowledge, skills and insights needed to manage imports and exports either in a comprehensive trading company or in a department of a company that depends on sourcing or exporting to achieve its strategic objectives. 
    Course Objectives: 
    • Understand concepts and strategies of the import/export business. 
    • Obtain an understanding of the controls, be able to locate their products on the control lists, understand the export license process, and  
    • Understand what the documentation requirements are for compliance. 
  • Course Description:

    International business is the exchange of goods and services between countries. It includes activities such as the production, distribution, and marketing of products or services across international borders. This course will provide an overview of the fundamentals of international business, including topics such as global markets, trade agreements, and international finance. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the different types of international business activities
    • Learn about the various factors that influence international business
    • Develop an understanding of the global economy and its impact on businesses
    • Analyze the risks associated with conducting business in foreign markets
    • Explore strategies for managing cultural differences in a global environment
    • Examine methods for mitigating political risk when doing business abroad
    • Investigate ways to access capital for international expansion
    • Evaluate legal considerations when entering new markets
    • Analyze current trends in global trade and their implications for businesses
    • Develop skills for effective communication in a multicultural setting
  • Introduction to International Business Finance Course Syllabus

    Course Description: International business finance is the art of managing money on a global scale. It involves understanding the financial implications of international transactions and investments, as well as the risks associated with them. This course provides an in-depth look at the principles and practices of international business finance, including accounting, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, management, marketing and management information systems. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the fundamentals of international business finance
    • Learn about different aspects of international business finance such as accounting, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, and management
    • Develop an understanding of how money moves from one country to another
    • Analyze the risks associated with international transactions and investments
    • Examine different types of financial instruments used in international business finance
    • Explore strategies for managing currency exchange rates
    • Evaluate methods for mitigating risk in international business transactions
    • Develop skills in analyzing financial statements from an international perspective
    • Identify sources of capital for financing international businesses
    • Understand the legal and regulatory environment surrounding international business finance
  • Introduction to International Economics Course Syllabus

    Course Description: International economics is the study of how countries interact with each other in the global economy. It involves understanding how international trade, investment, and capital flows are affected by economic policies and institutions. This course will provide students with an overview of international economics focusing on economic development, monetary policy, exchange rates, and globalization. Course Objectives:
    • Analyze how international economic policy affects global markets
    • Understand the principles of comparative advantage in international trade
    • Examine different theories of international trade and capital flows
    • Learn about various forms of foreign direct investment (FDI)
    • Evaluate methods for managing exchange rate risk
    • Summarize the concept of balance-of-payments accounting
    • Discuss strategies for fostering economic growth in developing countries
    • Analyze regional integration initiatives such as NAFTA, CETA, TPP, and TTIP
    • Explore issues around intellectual property rights in the global economy
    • Examine debates surrounding free trade agreements and protectionism
