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  • Course Description This course covers the basics of assembling and fitting parts in various industries, focusing on techniques, tools, and safety. Course Objectives
    • Understand the basics of assembling and fitting parts.
    • Learn to use assembly tools and equipment.
    • Develop skills in assembling and fitting parts accurately.
    • Emphasize safety protocols.
    • Prepare students for roles in manufacturing and assembly.
    Course Outcomes
    1. Explain the basics of assembling and fitting parts.
    2. Use assembly tools and equipment properly.
    3. Assemble and fit parts accurately.
    4. Apply safety protocols in assembly work.
    5. Prepare for roles in manufacturing and assembly.
  • Arts and Humanities (K-5)

    Course Description: This online course provides an introduction to the study of arts and humanities at the kindergarten to fifth-grade level. It covers key concepts, such as literature, music, art, and culture. You will learn about different techniques used in expressing creative ideas through visual media as well as how to apply a deeper understanding of symbolism and metaphor to areas such as storytelling and music. You will also gain an understanding of how cultures influence art forms around the world. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, videos,  and assignments you will develop your knowledge of arts and humanities while learning practical skills such as leading meaningful conversations around artwork, evaluating stories based on cultural perspectives, analyzing musical structure, comparing different visual styles between works of art, developing instructional strategies for making connections between subjects and fostering creativity in the classroom. This course is ideal for those who are new to teaching arts and humanities or are interested in pursuing a path involving more advanced topics in the subject. Course Objectives:
    • Define key terms related to arts and humanities
    • Analyze differences between artistic styles
    • Evaluate stories based on cultural perspective
    • Explain the musical structure
    • Compare visual styles across works of art
    • Develop strategies for reading aloud
    • Lead meaningful conversations around the artwork
    • Utilize storytelling to support instruction
    • Examine the influence of culture on artistic expression
    • Apply elements from multiple disciplines
  • Course Description:

    This course introduces the fundamentals of artificial intelligence. Students will learn about problem-solving techniques such as search, optimization, and decision-making. This course provides an introduction to machine learning concepts such as supervised and unsupervised learning, including neural networks and deep learning. At the end of this course, students will be able to apply their knowledge in solving real-world AI problems. Course Objectives:
    • Explore different problem-solving techniques like search & optimization
    • Understand basic machine learning concepts & algorithms
    • Comprehend supervised & unsupervised models
    • Analyze reinforcement learning for optimizing decisions
    • Utilize neural network implementations for AI tasks
    • Apply various deep learning architectures
    • Examine supervised & unsupervised clustering algorithms
    • Evaluate natural language, and processing models
    • Develop strategies for recognizing images with AI
    • Design custom systems for solving AI challenges
  • Art to Enhance Learning

    Course Description: This course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the benefits of incorporating art into learning. We will dive into the research that indicates arts inclusion increases science and math comprehension, how teachers can incorporate art into their classes, and how arts-based techniques can be used to engage students’ minds, bodies, and emotions in day-to-day learning experiences. Additionally, we will discuss the importance of teaching creativity alongside academics in the classroom setting and explore ways to use art as a “hook” in lessons without requiring any prior training. By the end of this course, you will understand why increased self-confidence and an improved ability to recall information are among the many reasons for introducing art in the classroom. Course Objectives:
    • Explain why art can enhance learning across disciplines such as science and math
    • Demonstrate various techniques for incorporating art into class activities & exercises
    • Utilize arts-based strategies for engaging students’ minds, bodies & emotions
    • Examine methods for the development of psychological resilience in adults through art
    • Describe the advantages of teaching creativity alongside academic subjects
    • Evaluate strategies for using art as a “hook” during instruction
    • Identify opportunities for boosting self-confidence & understanding while teaching art
    • Assess how art can help improve cognition & recall abilities when used as part of assessments or memory practice activities
    • Analyze the evidence that suggests a substantial increase in arts educational experiences has remarkable impacts on student outcomes
    • Investigate opportunities for promoting social-emotional development through creative expression & problem-solving with artistic works
  • Interactive activities and learning path. Instant Access to our platform / multimedia content 1 year full access to the purchased courses.
  • Interactive activities and learning path. Instant Access to our platform / multimedia content 1 year full access to the purchased courses.
  • Interactive activities and learning path. Instant Access to our platform / multimedia content 1 year full access to the purchased courses.
  • Architectural Design Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This online course introduces the fundamentals of Architectural Design and provides practical insight into real-life applications. Through this course, participants will gain a technological understanding of building designs through illustrative components and visuals. Participants will also develop a deeper knowledge of how to apply these practices in their everyday work, from the conceptualization stage to realization. Course Objectives: 1.      Understand the core principles and elements of Architectural Design 2.      Apply basic design concepts for different architectural styles 3.      Demonstrate knowledge in the identification and application of materials used for creating structures 4.      Practice sketching techniques required for presenting draft structures 5.      Identify potential sites suitable for construction projects 6.      Utilize computer software programs applicable to architectural design such as CAD and SketchUp Pro 7.      Gain insight into legal considerations concerning zoning requirements, public safety codes, and environmental regulations among others related to building projects 8.      Develop an appreciation of aesthetics associated with architecture while considering factors such as monuments or cultural landmarks when designing buildings 9.      Compose reports containing accurate information regarding multiple aspects related to Buildings Codes & Regulations or Structural Analysis 10.   Possess both technical proficiency & creative skills necessary for the successful realization of architectural designs
  • Interactive activities and learning path. Instant Access to our platform / multimedia content 1 year full access to the purchased courses.
  • Animal Science Course Syllabus

    Course Description: The Animal Science Course Syllabus online course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the key topics, issues, and current best practices in animal science. Through this course, students will gain an understanding of the anatomy and physiology of different species, learn about proper care for animals in captivity, explore the complexities of their behavior and interaction with humans, as well as recognize how these aspects apply to real-life applications within their everyday work. Course Objectives: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of the structure and function of various organs in different animal species 2. Utilize evidence-based principles when evaluating health problems related to diseases faced by animals 3. Recognize common behaviors displayed by various types of animals 4. Identify factors that affect animal welfare in captive settings 5. Illustrate awareness of legal or ethical implications relating to managing wildlife populations or exploiting natural resources 6. Appraise adequate strategies used for maintaining healthy ecosystems 7. Apply acquired knowledge towards advising appropriate decisions regarding animal husbandry practice standards 8. Comprehend models used solutions facing climate change challenges posed upon agriculture systems 9. Analyze applicable research methods adopted while assessing global policies