Products 731 - 740 from 868. Products on page
  • Course Description: This course explores the intersection of cloud computing and telecommunications, including cloud infrastructure, services, and security. Students will learn to leverage cloud technologies to enhance communication networks and services. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of cloud computing in telecommunications.
    2. Learn about cloud infrastructure and service models.
    3. Develop strategies for integrating cloud computing with communication networks.
    4. Implement cloud-based communication services and applications.
    5. Evaluate the impact of cloud computing on telecommunications.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Explain the principles of cloud computing in telecommunications.
    2. Design and implement cloud infrastructure and service models.
    3. Integrate cloud computing with communication networks effectively.
    4. Develop and deploy cloud-based communication services.
    5. Assess the impact of cloud computing on telecommunications operations.
  • Course Description This course covers the essential skills for cleaning and maintaining buildings, including cleaning techniques, safety, and maintenance procedures. Course Objectives
    • Understand the basics of building cleaning and maintenance.
    • Learn cleaning techniques for different surfaces.
    • Develop maintenance skills.
    • Emphasize safety in cleaning and maintenance.
    • Prepare students for roles in building cleaning and maintenance.
    Course Outcomes
    1. Explain the basics of building cleaning and maintenance.
    2. Perform cleaning techniques for various surfaces.
    3. Conduct basic maintenance tasks.
    4. Apply safety protocols in cleaning and maintenance.
    5. Prepare for roles in building cleaning and maintenance.
  • Classroom Management Middle and High School

    Course Description: This course on Classroom Management in Middle School and High School will equip teachers and educators with the skills they need to develop a successful classroom environment. Through lectures, individual projects, discussions, and short assignments, participants will learn how to effectively manage student behavior and use positive reinforcement techniques. They will also gain an understanding of strategies for addressing bullying, motivating students to study, fostering collaboration among classmates, as well as promoting critical thinking skills in the classroom. Participants will also have opportunities to practice applying these concepts with hands-on activities such as role-play scenarios or small group projects. Learning Objectives:
    • Identify various strategies for managing student behavior focused on positive reinforcement rather than punishment
    • Develop methods for encouraging collaboration amongst students in the classroom setting
    • Learn how to set expectations for efficient learning without sacrificing fun or creativity within the environment
    • Explore ways of intervening when conflicts arise between students
    • Gain confidence navigating challenging conversations about topics like bullying or cheating
    • Discern best practices for assessing student performance through formative assessments
    • Review strategies for promoting critical thinking within the classroom
    • Reflect on their own experiences as teachers or educators to inform and improve their practice
  • Classroom Management in Elementary Grades

    Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are designed to help you understand how to foster a positive learning environment and manage your classroom with clarity and confidence. Through this course, you’ll be able to create and implement a well-rounded classroom management plan that is both effective and empowering. Learning Objectives:
    • Develop strategies to establish a safe and orderly learning environment
    • Understand the need for positive reinforcement and consequences
    • Utilizing classroom management techniques to facilitate student learning
    • Identifying effective communication procedures between teachers and parents
    • Create an effective classroom management plan for your elementary students that will sustain itself throughout the school year
    • Gain a better understanding of how to maintain a positive classroom environment
    • Deal with difficult situations as they arise
    • Understand how to foster a positive learning environment and manage your classroom with clarity and confidence
    • Organizing and managing materials
    • Setting expectations for student behavior
    • Developing procedures to support positive reinforcement
    • Using incentives to motivate students
    • Utilizing appropriate discipline techniques in response to misbehavior
    • Understand how cultural and language differences can impact classroom management decisions
  • Classroom Management 

    Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are designed to help you understand how to foster a positive learning environment and manage your classroom with clarity and confidence. Through this course, you’ll be able to create and implement a well-rounded classroom management plan that is both effective and empowering. Learning Objectives:
    • Develop strategies to establish a safe and orderly learning environment
    • Understand the need for positive reinforcement and consequences
    • Utilizing classroom management techniques to facilitate student learning
    • Identifying effective communication procedures between teachers and parents
    • Create an effective classroom management plan for your elementary students that will sustain itself throughout the school year
    • Gain a better understanding of how to maintain a positive classroom environment
    • Deal with difficult situations as they arise
    • Understand how to foster a positive learning environment and manage your classroom with clarity and confidence
    • Organizing and managing materials
    • Setting expectations for student behavior
    • Developing procedures to support positive reinforcement
    • Using incentives to motivate students
    • Utilizing appropriate discipline techniques in response to misbehavior
    • Understand how cultural and language differences can impact classroom management decisions
  • Classroom Management  in Preschool This course focuses on the concept of classroom management for preschool classrooms. It examines how to design and maintain a safe, organized and engaging learning environment that is conducive to student achievement. The objectives of this course include teaching students how to develop positive relationships with students, create an effective learning environment using visual aids, use appropriate behavior modification strategies and foster an atmosphere of cooperative learning. Further topics will include developing age-appropriate activities, responding respectfully to challenging behaviors, promoting self-esteem in young children and managing transitions between activities. Through this comprehensive course on innovative methods for classroom management in preschool grades, teachers will have the knowledge they need to create a successful academic experience within their classrooms. Learning Objectives:
    • Develop effective strategies for creating a safe and supportive learning environment in their preschool classrooms
    • Utilize age-appropriate activities to engage students and promote learning
    • Recognize and respond appropriately to challenging behaviors
    • Foster self-esteem among young learners
    • Manage transitions between activities in the classroom
    • Integrate visual aids into their lesson plans to engage students and encourage learning
    • Implement behavior modification strategies to teach positive behaviors
    • Create an atmosphere of cooperation and collaboration within the classroom
    By mastering these fundamental concepts, preschool teachers will be equipped to design and maintain an effective learning environment for their students. This course will incorporate a variety of instructional methods, including lectures, discussions, activities, video clips and assessments. Participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences and learn from one another through small-group activities and interactive lessons. Additionally, participants will be provided with resources they can use in the future to continue their professional development.  
  • Classroom Accommodations and Modifications

    Course Description: This online course is designed to provide participants with an understanding of the principles of accommodations and modifications for students with disabilities. Participants will explore topics such as evidence-based strategies, individualized education programs (IEPs), creating and using a variety of instructional strategies and assessment tools, implementing accommodations in the classroom, and effective communication between educators and parents. The course will also review strategies for adapting instruction to meet student needs while helping participants develop an understanding of how accommodation processes work. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the role of evidence-based practices in promoting student success with disabilities
    • Learn about components of individualized education programs (IEPs) relevant to accommodations and modifications
    • Develop strategies for creating and utilizing a variety of instructional materials and assessments to meet individual student needs
    • Explore tools for implementing appropriate accommodations that are tailored to student needs in the classroom setting
    • Gain an understanding of best practices for working effectively with parents/guardians on behalf of students with disabilities
    • Acquire skills for effective verbal, nonverbal, and written communication around the provision of accommodations
    • Understand the importance of developing strong relationships between educators, students, families
    • Develop techniques for assessing student progress related to specific accommodations or adaptations in place
    • Examine ways to address challenging behaviors associated with disability through thoughtful use of accommodation/modification services
    • Discover resources available for additional support related to the implementation or evaluation of accommodations/modifications
  • Children's Literature

    Course Description: This online course provides an introduction to the world of children's literature, including an overview of key authors, genres, and movements. It covers main concepts, such as reading development, formative assessment, and global diversity in storytelling. You will learn about different techniques used in evaluating books for content and quality as well as how to apply a deeper understanding of children’s literature conventions to areas such as reading aloud and facilitating book discussions. You will also gain an understanding of how narratives can be used to support instruction in various subject areas. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, videos, and assignments you will develop your knowledge of children's literature while learning practical skills such as selecting appropriate texts, evaluating books based on criteria set by Common Core standards, discussing author’s craft with students, leading meaningful conversations around a text and comparing different cultural interpretations. This course is ideal for those who are new to teaching children’s literature or are interested in pursuing a path involving more advanced topics in the subject. Course Objectives:
    • Define key terms related to children's literature
    • Analyze differences between written texts
    • Assess books based on Common Core Standards
    • Compare author’s craft from different genres
    • Select appropriate texts
    • Develop strategies for reading aloud
    • Foster meaningful discussions around a text
    • Utilize storytelling to support instruction
    • Examine the influence of culture on storytelling
    • Apply elements of narrative structure
  • Children with Special Needs

    Course Description: This online course is designed to provide participants with an understanding of the principles and best practices for teaching children with special needs. Participants will explore topics such as learning disabilities, speech, and language issues, behavior management strategies, assistive technology, designing effective instruction plans, adapting lessons for diverse learners, working collaboratively with parents and professionals in the field of special education, and incorporating feedback into lesson planning. The course will also review evidence-based strategies for helping young children learn and grow in a safe and supportive environment. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the importance of creating a safe and supportive learning environment for students with special needs
    • Learn about identifying different types of learning disabilities in students
    • Acquire techniques for effectively addressing speech and language issues related to special needs
    •  Develop skills for managing disruptive behaviors in classrooms
    • Explore the use of appropriate assistive technology tools to help build student success
    • Gain knowledge of how to create effective individualized instruction plans
    • Examine evidence-based strategies for adapting instructional material to meet the needs of diverse learners
    • Develop techniques for working collaboratively with parents and professionals in fields related to special education
    • Understand ways to use technology appropriately in a setting that serves children with special needs
    • Recognize best practices for incorporating feedback into lesson plans
  • Interactive activities and learning path. Instant Access to our platform / multimedia content 1 year full access to the purchased courses.