Products 681 - 690 from 868. Products on page
  • Math for Early Childhood Teachers

    Course Description: This online course is designed to help early childhood teachers learn the fundamentals of teaching math to young children (3-5 years old). Through a combination of lectures, videos, and interactive activities, participants will gain an understanding of mathematical concepts such as math literacy, number sense, patterns, geometry, and more. By the end of the course, participants will have the knowledge and skills necessary to create engaging lessons that foster a love of mathematics in their students. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Teaching Math to Young Children Practice Guide published in 2013 by the U.S.
    • Learn how to use mathematical concepts such as math literacy, number sense, patterns, and geometry in early childhood education settings
    • Develop strategies for making math easy-to-learn for students
    • Explore ways to engage students in mathematics learning through interactive activities and games
    • Recognize gender differences in mathematical learning theories and how they can be addressed in the classroom setting
    • Utilize resources to supplement traditional teaching methods with technology-based approaches
    • Implement best practices for teaching mathematics remotely during public health crises or other times when instruction must take place outside of a physical classroom setting
    • Understand how to assess student performance on mathematical tasks using appropriate assessment tools and techniques
    • Create lesson plans that incorporate multiple learning styles and levels of ability among students in order to maximize engagement with mathematics content material across all learners in a class setting
    • Develop an understanding of how mathematics can be used as a tool for problem-solving across various disciplines including science, engineering, finance, and economics
  • Reading Instruction

    Course Description: This online course is designed to provide educators with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to address a variety of students' needs in reading. This course will cover the essential components of reading instruction such as phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary development, and comprehension. Through this course, participants will gain an understanding of how to plan to address instructional needs in all five big ideas of reading for their classes. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the essential components of reading instruction such as phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary development, and comprehension
    • Learn how to apply research-based instructional teaching and learning strategies for students with disabilities
    • Develop an understanding of multi-tiered support systems for schools implementing effective reading instruction
    • Gain knowledge about Foundations of Reading assessments and how they focus on the development, instruction, and assessment of reading
    • Learn about the five pillars of successful literacy instruction: Phonemic Awareness; Phonics; Fluency; Vocabulary Development; Comprehension
    • Develop strategies to help students obtain meaning from print and read fluently in good instruction settings
    • Understand how background knowledge can be used to improve student's reading abilities
    • Become familiar with Foundations of Reading Instruction & Intervention Series resources available online for educators looking for guidance in addressing student's needs in reading instruction settings
    • Learn how to use technology effectively when implementing Foundations of Reading Instruction & Intervention Series resources into classroom settings
    • Identify best practices when providing Foundations of Reading Instruction & Intervention Series resources for students with disabilities
  • Science Teaching Methods for Elementary School

    Course Description: This online course is designed to provide elementary school science teachers with the skills and knowledge to create engaging lessons. Through discussions, activities, and projects, instructors will learn various methods to make science fun and relevant for students in elementary school. Course Objectives:
    • Develop an understanding of the principles of effective teaching in a classroom setting
    • Learn how to design lesson plans that are tailored to different learning types
    • Gain knowledge on how to use technology for teaching science effectively
    • Understand the basics of differentiated instruction and formative assessment techniques
    • Acquire knowledge on best practices for motivating students in a science class
    • Examine current topics related to STEM education and their implications for society
    • Learn how to encourage creativity and collaboration amongst students through stimulating discussions and activities
    • Explore alternative approaches to teaching topics such as inquiry-based learning or experiential education
    • Introduce scientific concepts such as energy, chemical reactions, forces, or life cycles in an age-appropriate manner
    • Understand how assessment techniques can be used as a tool for assessing student’s level of understanding at any given point during the semester
  • Science Teaching Methods for Middle School

    Course Description: This online course is designed to provide middle school science teachers with the skills and knowledge to create engaging lessons. Through discussions, activities, and projects, instructors will learn various methods to make science fun and relevant for students in middle school. Course Objectives:
    • Develop an understanding of the principles of effective teaching in a classroom setting
    • Learn how to design lesson plans that are tailored to different learning types
    • Gain knowledge on how to use technology for teaching science effectively
    • Understand the basics of differentiated instruction and formative assessment techniques
    • Acquire knowledge on best practices for motivating students in a science class
    • Examine current topics related to STEM education and their implications for society
    • Learn how to encourage creativity and collaboration amongst students through stimulating discussions and activities
    • Explore alternative approaches to teaching topics such as inquiry-based learning or experiential education
    • Develop an understanding of concepts such as scientific inquiry or the scientific method in order to better communicate its purpose/functionality within a class setting
    • Understand how assessment techniques can be used as a tool for assessing student’s level of understanding at any given point during the semester
  • Enrollment Management in Higher Education 

    Course Description:    This course will provide a comprehensive overview of principles and practices of strategic process including marketing and recruitment through graduation. Participants will have exposure to contemporary issues and legal problems in enrollment management. 
    Learning Objectives: 
    • learn to set realistic enrollment goals 
    • identify and secure sufficient resources to meet enrollment objectives 
    • understand how to develop an annual marketing and recruitment plan as well as a three-to-five-year strategic enrollment and revenue plan 
    • examine how to build your recruitment database and inquiry pool 
    • understand how to track your marketing and recruitment activities 
  • Teaching Math (K-5) Course Description: This online course is designed to help students understand math as a coherent whole. Through engaging problem-based curriculum, students will learn the fundamentals of mathematics from kindergarten to grade 5. The course will provide an inclusive approach and cover topics such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, data analysis, and probability. Course Objectives:
    • Develop an understanding of basic mathematical concepts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
    • Understand how to use numbers in real-world contexts
    • Learn how to solve problems using equations and inequalities
    • Gain an understanding of basic geometry principles such as angles, lines, and shapes
    • Learn how to analyze data using graphs and tables
    • Understand the basics of probability theory and statistics
    • Develop problem-solving skills through engaging in activities and projects
    • Acquire knowledge on how to use technology for teaching math (K-5)
    • Develop critical thinking skills through mathematical reasoning and logic puzzles
    • Learn how to apply mathematical concepts in everyday life situations
  • Natural sciences Course Description: Natural sciences are an essential component of our understanding of the world. Our online Natural Sciences Course will introduce students to a variety of scientific topics, from physics and chemistry to biology and geology. Course Objectives:
    • Develop an understanding of the scientific method and how it is used to test hypotheses and draw conclusions
    • Learn about the principles governing various physical processes, such as Newton’s laws, thermodynamics
    • Gain knowledge of the chemical properties of elements, compounds, and mixtures in order to understand their uses in everyday life
    • Examine the fundamentals of genetics and evolution in order to better understand the development of living organisms over time
    • Analyse natural phenomena such as weather systems and geological processes (e.g., earthquakes) in order to appreciate their importance for humanity
    • Develop an understanding of different species' behavioral patterns and interactions within their environment, including predator-prey relations
    • Understand how modern technologies have changed our perception of natural sciences by enabling new ways of gathering information or conducting experiments e.g., remote sensing technology, robotic exploration
    • Analyze how human activities can affect the environment, both positively and negatively e.g., pollution or conservation efforts
    • Learn about sustainable practices that can be used to minimize environmental damage caused by human activity in different sectors e.g., energy production or farming
    • Examine current topics related to natural sciences such as climate change or renewable energy sources and their implications for society
  • Reading Course Description: Reading is an essential skill that can be used to improve knowledge, develop understanding, and create a more informed and literate population. Our online Reading Course will provide students with an introduction to different reading strategies, from recognizing keywords in texts to understanding the structure of narrative fiction. Course Objectives:
    • Learn about various types of texts and reading materials, including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry
    • Understand how to read efficiently and effectively by recognizing and using keywords in the text
    • Develop strategies for comprehending longer passages or works quickly and accurately
    • Identify character development within stories or passages of text, as well as themes presented by the author or narrator
    • Analyze cause-and-effect relationships between events described within a work of literature or another type of text
    • Examine how symbols are used in certain types of text to represent ideas or emotions without being explicitly stated by the author/narrator
    • Apply their understanding of language conventions when interpreting meaning from various forms of print material such as newspapers, magazines
    • Develop techniques for critically analyzing written work in order to gain deeper insight into its meaning or purpose from the author's point-of-view
    • Learn about various genres and styles of writing such as historical fiction/nonfiction, romanticism, and realism
    • Analyze how individual works contribute to larger social movements like feminism or multiculturalism
  • Teaching Writing

    Course Description: Writing is an essential skill that can be used in many different contexts. Whether you’re writing a blog post, a book, or a business document, having the right tools and techniques to craft effective writing can make all the difference. Our online Writing Course will teach you the fundamentals of writing, from grammar and punctuation to narrative structure and creative expression. Course Objectives:
    • Develop an understanding of basic grammar rules and conventions
    • Learn how to create compelling narratives with strong characters and plot points
    • Understand how to effectively use dialogue in your writing
    • Explore different genres of writing such as fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and scriptwriting
    • Practice self-editing techniques to refine your work before submitting it for publication or other purposes
    • Learn how to write for various audiences, including blogs, books, magazines, newspapers
    • Develop an understanding of the publishing process and how to get your work published successfully
    • Understand the importance of research when writing about certain topics or genres of writing
    • Develop strategies for overcoming writer’s block and staying motivated while working on long-term projects such as novels or screenplays
    • Gain insight into professional development opportunities available for writers such as fellowships or residencies at universities or literary organizations around the world
  • Practicum

    Course Description This course is designed to provide an understanding of the practical application of theoretical concepts in a professional setting. We will explore research on the practicum model and discuss why it is considered an important part of the learning process. We will also look at various types of practicums, where they can be completed, and how they can help build knowledge and experience in a chosen profession. Additionally, we will examine ways to evaluate practicums to ensure successful outcomes for both students and mentors. By the end of this course, you will understand how participating in a practicum enhances professional skills and career readiness. Course Objectives:
    • Describe the components and objectives associated with a traditional practicum program
    • Demonstrate methods for finding & securing appropriate observational experiences within a supervised environment for completing a Practicum
    • Utilize strategies for effectively evaluating & assessing student progress during their practicum so as to maximize learning opportunities
    • Examine various assessment tools that can be used when determining successful outcomes in connection with participation in such programs
    • Evaluate effective communication techniques regarding expectations between mentors & students while participating in a practicum setting
    • Identify activities necessary for maintaining accurate records which reflect varied aspects of gaining practical experiences via externship programs
    • Analyze guidelines regarding ethical behavior when working with younger participants who may not have the same level of understanding & awareness as adults
    • Assess potential problems likely incurred from incongruous collaboration scenarios that could result from teaming up mentees with mentors over long periods of time
    • Investigate approaches connected to helping mentee increase their chances when applying for post-graduation job placements upon completion of assessments tests or procedures necessary for some positions
    • Discuss implications related to transforming theoretical concepts into meaningful applications