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  • Course Description:

    This course will provide participants with an understanding of how to effectively manage their time. Topics covered include setting goals, planning and organizing tasks, prioritizing activities, managing distractions, and leveraging technology to enhance productivity. Participants will gain an understanding of how to use these concepts to become more productive and efficient with their time. Course Objectives:
    • Identify factors that lead to better time management
    • Utilize techniques for setting achievable goals
    • Develop strategies for planning and organizing tasks
    • Prioritize activities based on importance and urgency
    • Identify methods for dealing with distractions
    • Leverage technology to improve productivity
    • Analyze different approaches to managing time
    • Develop a plan for self-improvement in regard to time management
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the principles related to managing time through written assignments and class discussions
    • Implement measures for continual improvement in personal productivity
  • Course Description:

    This course provides an overview of the principles of listening and how to use them to nurture strong relationships. Students will learn about methods for active listening, strategies for understanding different perspectives, and other topics related to hearing others out. At the end of this course, students will be able to recognize nonverbal cues, communicate well with any person or audience, and build authentic connections in any context. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of effective listening
    • Explore principles of attentive attention
    • Analyze methods for comprehending conversations
    • Utilize strategies for recognizing nonverbal communication
    • Comprehend different techniques for filtering distractions
    • Evaluate approaches to taking notes
    • Create custom plans for understanding moods
    • Develop strategies for affirming understanding
    • Design custom solutions based on program needs
    • Implement techniques for long-term relationships
  • Course Description:

    This course provides an overview of the principles of social awareness and how to use them to stay connected. Students will learn about methods for building relationships, strategies for resolving conflicts, and other topics related to understanding different perspectives. At the end of this course, students will be able to recognize cultural differences, effectively communicate with others, and make positive connections in any context. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of social awareness
    • Explore principles of interpersonal communication
    • Analyze methods for connecting cultures
    • Utilize strategies for evaluating relationships
    • Comprehend different techniques for resolving conflicts
    • Evaluate approaches to managing expectations
    • Create custom plans for understanding the dynamics
    • Develop strategies for empathizing
    • Design custom solutions based on program needs
    • Implement techniques for long-term collaboration
  • Course Description:

    This course provides an overview of the principles of self-awareness and how to use them to unlock potential. Students will learn about methods for understanding motives, strategies for taking action steps, and other topics related to achieving personal goals. At the end of this course, students will be able to recognize their strengths and limitations, make well-informed decisions, and stay motivated in any situation. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of self-awareness
    • Explore principles of introspection
    • Analyze methods for discovering motives
    • Utilize strategies for evaluating behavior
    • Comprehend different techniques for recognizing signs
    • Evaluate approaches to owning thoughts
    • Create custom plans for understanding feelings
    • Develop strategies for positive affirmations
    • Design custom solutions based on program needs
    • Implement techniques for long-term growth
  • Course Description:

    This course provides an overview of the principles of assertiveness and how to use them to take appropriate action. Students will learn about strategies for expressing themselves, methods for setting boundaries, and other topics related to gaining control over situations. At the end of this course, students will be able to confidently express their opinions in a respectful manner, maintain healthy relationships with others, prevent bullies from taking advantage, and identify when to walk away. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of assertiveness
    • Explore principles of self-expression
    • Analyze methods for setting boundaries
    • Utilize strategies for developing confidence
    • Comprehend different techniques for negotiating
    • Evaluate approaches to making decisions
    • Create custom plans for standing up for yourself
    • Develop strategies for collaboration
    • Design custom solutions based on program needs
    • Implement techniques for long-term planning
  • Course Description:

    This course provides an overview of the principles of accountability and responsibility and how to use them to reach higher performance. Students will learn about methods for setting attainable expectations, delegation techniques, and other topics related to successful outcomes. At the end of this course, students will be able to hold themselves and others accountable across different domains, work collaboratively with colleagues, identify areas of improvement, and develop strategies for improved effectiveness. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of accountability/responsibility
    • Explore principles of setting expectations
    • Analyze methods for effective delegation
    • Utilize strategies for taking ownership
    • Comprehend different techniques for self-assessment
    • Evaluate approaches to discovering motivation
    • Create custom plans for tackling incremental improvements
    • Develop strategies for collaboration
    • Design custom solutions based on program needs
    • Implement techniques for long-term planning
  • Course Description: This course will provide participants with an understanding of advanced English as a Second Language (ESL) for professional business contexts. Topics covered include crafting persuasive emails, constructing sharp reports, organizing complex presentations, summarizing key ideas in writing with precision and accuracy, and other communication scenarios in a professional setting. Participants will gain an understanding of the highest-level aspects of the English language necessary to succeed in the business world. Course Objectives:
    • Utilize accurate language rules from multiple sources when writing
    • Develop strategies for writing emails that demonstrate persuasion and clarity
    • Construct sharp reports that effectively convey information
    • Organize complex presentations using a variety of approaches
    • Summarize key ideas accurately and concisely in writing
    • Evaluate arguments using critical thinking skills
    • Compose persuasive essays that demonstrate fluency and accuracy
    • Leverage specialized terminology when communicating with colleagues and clients
    • Analyze methods for conveying complex ideas using precise words and phrases
    • Implement measures for continual improvement in communication skills
  • Course Description: This course will provide participants with an understanding of advanced English pronunciation as a Second Language (ESL) for professional contexts. Topics covered include identifying and mastering the sounds of English, recognizing and mastering diphthongs and triphthongs, controlling intonation, mastering word stress patterns, refining articulation to understand native speakers, efficiently learning new vocabulary, and other communication scenarios in a professional setting. Participants will gain an understanding of the highest-level aspects of pronunciation necessary to succeed in professional settings. Course Objectives:
    • Identify and master the individual sounds of English
    • Recognize and accurately produce diphthongs and triphthongs
    • Demonstrate control over intonation when speaking
    • Master word stress patterns in order to sound more like a native speaker
    • Refine articulation skills for a better understanding
    • Utilize strategies for efficiently learning new vocabulary
    • Implement tactics for improving accent-reduction skills
    • Leverage specialized terminology when communicating with colleagues and clients
    • Analyze methods for conveying complex ideas through pronunciation
    • Implement measures for continual improvement in communication skills
  • Course Description:

    This course provides an overview of the principles of conflict resolution and how to use them to achieve successful outcomes. Students will learn about problem-solving strategies, communication techniques, and other topics related to addressing challenging situations. At the end of this course, students will be able to effectively identify conflicting views, apply appropriate tactics for reconciling differences, and reduce tension for successful outcomes. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of conflict resolution
    • Explore principles of problem-solving strategies
    • Analyze methods for effective communication
    • Utilize strategies for shifting behaviors
    • Comprehend different techniques for resolving conflict
    • Evaluate approaches to identifying challenges
    • Create custom plans for tackling difficult issues
    • Develop strategies for rebuilding trust
    • Design custom solutions based on program needs
    • Implement techniques for long-term planning
  • Course Description:

    This course provides an overview of the principles of coaching and how to use them to create meaningful relationships. Students will learn about mentoring, teaching techniques, and other topics related to helping others reach their potential. At the end of this course, students will be able to guide others empathetically and supportably, leading them to success. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of coaching & mentoring
    • Explore principles of effective teaching
    • Analyze methods for managing relationships
    • Utilize problem-solving strategies
    • Comprehend different motivational techniques
    • Evaluate approaches to successful decision making
    • Create custom plans for setting goals
    • Develop strategies for successful guidance
    • Design custom solutions based on program needs
    • Implement techniques for meaningful coaching