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  • Course Description  This course introduces the basics of gardening, including plant care, soil preparation, and garden maintenance.  Course Objectives 
    • Understand the basics of gardening. 
    • Learn plant care techniques. 
    • Develop soil preparation skills. 
    • Emphasize garden maintenance. 
    • Prepare students for roles in gardening. 
    Course Outcomes 
    1. Explain the basics of gardening. 
    2. Apply plant care techniques. 
    3. Prepare soil effectively. 
    4. Perform garden maintenance tasks. 
    5. Prepare for roles in gardening. 
  • Course Description  This course introduces the basics of farm machinery operation, including safety, maintenance, and efficient use.  Course Objectives 
    • Understand the basics of farm machinery operation. 
    • Learn safety protocols for machinery use. 
    • Develop maintenance skills. 
    • Emphasize efficient machinery operation. 
    • Prepare students for roles in farm machinery operation. 
    Course Outcomes 
    1. Explain the basics of farm machinery operation. 
    2. Apply safety protocols in machinery use. 
    3. Maintain farm machinery properly. 
    4. Operate farm machinery efficiently. 
    5. Prepare for roles in farm machinery operation. 
  • Course Description: This course is an extension of the Entrepreneur I course, in which students are provided the time and guidance to put their business plan into practice. Course Objectives:
    • develop their business concept to bring to practical implementation
    • prepare a public presentation of their business concept
  • Course Description: This course is designed for individuals with the pension of high risk – high rewards. The purpose of this course is to provide the basic skills and strategies for starting one’s own business. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the inherent risks and obstacles of starting their own business
    • Explore the fundamental issues of starting a small business
    • Develop a working and sustainable Business Plan
  • Entrepreneurial Skills Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of entrepreneurial skills. It will cover the basics of starting and operating a small business, including finance, networking, communication, feedback, customer service, and business strategy. By the end of this course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of the skills needed to be successful entrepreneurs. Course Objectives:
    • Understand basic financial concepts and how they apply to run a small business
    • Develop networking skills for connecting with potential customers and partners
    • Learn effective communication techniques for presenting ideas and negotiating deals
    • Practice accepting and acting on constructive feedback from peers and mentors
    • Develop customer service strategies for building relationships with clients
    • Explore different types of business strategies for success in various markets
    • Identify creative solutions for solving problems in an entrepreneurial setting
    • Utilize critical thinking skills when making decisions about resources and investments
    • Analyze data to make informed decisions about operations and marketing tactics
    • Develop a plan for launching a successful small business venture
  • Enrollment Management in Higher Education 

    Course Description:    This course will provide a comprehensive overview of principles and practices of strategic process including marketing and recruitment through graduation. Participants will have exposure to contemporary issues and legal problems in enrollment management. 
    Learning Objectives: 
    • learn to set realistic enrollment goals 
    • identify and secure sufficient resources to meet enrollment objectives 
    • understand how to develop an annual marketing and recruitment plan as well as a three-to-five-year strategic enrollment and revenue plan 
    • examine how to build your recruitment database and inquiry pool 
    • understand how to track your marketing and recruitment activities 
  • Enhancing Language Development Course Description: This course will provide an overview of the language development process in children. It will cover topics such as ways to encourage language development in babies, activities to support speech and language development, and strategies for enhancing language skills. Participants will learn how to create a positive environment that encourages language growth and explore different methods of engaging with children to help them develop their communication skills. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the stages of language development in children from birth to age 8
    • Learn how to create a supportive environment for language development
    • Identify activities that can be used to encourage speech and language development in children
    • Recognize the importance of reading aloud to young children for developing their communication skills
    • Explore strategies for encouraging positive language development through play and everyday interactions with children
    • Develop an understanding of how music can be used as a tool for enhancing language skills in babies and toddlers
    • Learn how to use gestures, facial expressions, and other non-verbal cues when communicating with young children
    • Become familiar with techniques for talking with infants and toddlers from their point of view in order to support their language development
    • Discover ways to use storytelling as a tool for developing baby-talking skills in young children
    • Gain knowledge on how nursery rhymes can be used as a fun way to support early childhood language development
  • Course: English Composition

    Prerequisite: None Credit Hours: 4 Description:  The English Composition course will help students review and master English writing, structure, and formatting techniques and standards based on APA guidelines. This course will help students in preparing college and professional quality writing documents. Learning Objectives:
    • explore and learn basic English punctuation and sentence structure, using APA Writing Style guidelines
    • demonstrate understanding of the ways that language and communication shape perspective, construct meaning, and foster communication
    • analyze contexts to increase the efficacy of written communication
    • produce texts and compositions that demonstrate an understanding of how purpose, process, subject matter, form, style, tone, and diction are shaped by
  • Engineering Design Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This online Engineering course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the practical application of engineering concepts in everyday work. Participants will learn how to analyze, design and implement processes that are used by professionals in the field. By mastering problem-solving skills and computer-aided design tools, participants will be able to develop innovative solutions for real-life applications. Course Objectives: 1. Develop a strong understanding of basic engineering principles like vectors, forces, and stress calculations 2. Analyze different types of systems using mathematical modeling techniques like linear equations or matrix algebra 3. Understand engineering materials used in daily operations 4. Demonstrate proficiency in Computer Aided Design (CAD) software such as AutoCAD or Solidworks 5. Construct virtual models that can be tested through simulations based on user input variables 6. Generate data analysis reports on experimental results from multiple sources 7. Interpret graphical representation tools such as bar charts or histograms when analyzing data sets 8. Create detailed product plans utilizing parts lists and specifications sheets 9. Examine safety standards related to designing structures and machines 10. Use 3D printing technologies to build solid prototypes from a digital model