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  • Description: This course will study the historical, economic, political, social and psychological foundations of philanthropy in our society as well as the ethical, legal and financial aspects of organizational resource development. The role of leadership strategies for acquisition, maintenance and stewardship of resources will be explored. Students will review successful fundraising campaigns and develop a prototype fundraising campaign.   
    Prerequisite: Graduate Program in Education  
    Learning Objectives: Students will  
    • explore the historical, economic, political, social and psychological foundations of philanthropy in higher education  
    • examine the ethical, legal and financial aspects of organizational resource development in higher education  
    • review and analyze successful fundraising campaigns and develop a prototype fundraising campaign.  
  • Philosophy of Higher Education 

    Course Description:   This course will examine the history and development of higher education including the study of the philosophy, objectives, and functions of various types of institutions.  
    Prerequisite: Graduate Program in Education  
    Learning Objectives: 
    • Understand why Higher Education was developed 
    • Show an increased knowledge of higher education history and philosophical changes 
    • Analyze higher education institutions and how historical events have shaped the institution
  • Phonics

    Course Description: This online course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of phonics, including basic rules and strategies for reading and writing. It covers key concepts, such as word structure, decoding skills and pronunciation. You will learn about different techniques used in learning how to pronounce new words as well as how to apply a deeper understanding of English language phonetics to areas such as spelling, grammar, and fluency. You will also gain an understanding of how to apply your knowledge on phonics-based instruction to other academic subjects. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, videos, and assignments you will develop your knowledge of phonics while learning practical skills such as identifying sound-letter correspondences, analyzing syllable patterns in words, and applying appropriate instructional strategies. This course is ideal for those who are new to teaching phonics or are interested in pursuing a path involving more advanced topics in the subject. Course Objectives:
    • Recognize sound-letter relationships
    • Apply letter combinations
    • Analyze vowel sounds
    • Identify syllable types
    • Explain English orthographic conventions
    • Develop decoding skills
    • Utilize effective instruction strategies
    • Identify commonly confused letters
    • Interpret inflectional endings
    • Construct multi-syllabic words
  • Physics, Introduction

    Course Description: This online course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of physics. It covers the basics, including motion, force and energy, electricity and magnetism, and optics. You will learn about different techniques used in analyzing physical phenomena as well as how to develop a deeper understanding of mathematical principles. You will also gain an understanding of how to apply your knowledge to build models that can explain real-world events and curious observations. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, videos, and assignments you will develop your knowledge of basic physics while learning practical skills such as solving equations, predicting outcomes under varying conditions, and making predictions for future experiments. This course is ideal for those who are new to learning about physics or are interested in pursuing a path involving more advanced topics in the subject. Course Objectives:
    • Understand foundation concepts in physics
    • Analyze physical phenomena
    • Utilize scientific principles
    • Develop strategies utilizing data from experiments
    • Calculate motion and force
    • Describe electrical circuits
    • Explain concepts regarding magnetism
    • Comprehend methods for optics
    • Derive solutions for quantum mechanics
    • Identify areas needing further exploration
  • Planning & Organization

    Course Description: This online course provides an overview of the strategies and techniques for planning and organization. It covers the fundamentals of project management, including how to establish goals, create timelines, assess resources and maximize efficiency. You will learn about data analysis systems, productivity tools, and communication methods. You will also gain an understanding of how to identify potential challenges and develop solutions before they arise. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, videos, and assignments you will develop your organizational skills while learning how to organize workflows to achieve maximum performance in any task or mission. This course is ideal for individuals who want to learn the essentials of effective planning & organization so they can stay efficient and productive at all times. Course Objectives:
    • Understand principles associated with successful project management
    • Develop goal-setting strategies for teams & individuals
    • Utilize organizational tools such as Gantt charts
    • Examine data analysis systems that monitor progress
    • Analyze resource requirements regarding time/costs
    • Create timelines & milestones for long-term projects
    • Oversee multiple tasks simultaneously
    • Recognize potential problems & develop relevant solutions
    • Utilize effective communication methods
    • Maximize efficiency by streamlining operations
  • Plant Science Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This Plant Science Online Course will provide a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of plant science and its application in real-life settings. The aim is to give students an understanding of the various aspects of plants, such as morphology, physiology, metabolism, and growth. This course will also equip participants with knowledge about how to conduct research related to plant life and introduce them to current topics concerning plants that are relevant to everyday work. Course Objectives: 1.      Demonstrate mastery of basic concepts in plant science including morphology, physiology, biochemistry, and genetics 2.      Explain interrelationships between different elements affecting primary production 3.      Recognize traits that differentiate different groups of plants within the same species or genera 4.      Describe climate changes on a global scale impacting crop yield productivity 5.      Analyze water use efficiency by plants under drought stress conditions 6.      Examine pest control methods used for agricultural purposes 7.      Evaluate the risk involved with the application of agrochemicals for crop protection 8.      Compare traditional approaches for breeding varietal development versus modern breeding techniques like genetic engineering 9.      Synthesize research findings
  • Plumbing Syllabus

    Course Description: This Plumbing online course is designed to provide participants with an understanding of the fundamentals of plumbing systems and installation. Participants will learn about materials and equipment, and basic techniques for connecting pipes, drains, valves, and fixtures. The class also covers safety protocols when working with plumbing systems as well as industry standards compliance. Course Objectives: 1) Demonstrate knowledge of different types of tools used in plumbing jobs. 2) Explain the process for installing pipes, drains, valves, and fixtures in a safe manner. 3) Identify industry standards that must be followed when assembling a plumbing system. 4) Analyze problems related to existing or newly installed piping systems and develop solutions accordingly. 5) Utilize various methods for testing water pressure levels in residential applications correctly.
  • Plumbing Syllabus Course Description: This Plumbing online course is designed to provide participants with an understanding of the fundamentals of plumbing systems and installation. Participants will learn about materials and equipment, and basic techniques for connecting pipes, drains, valves, and fixtures. The class also covers safety protocols when working with plumbing systems as well as industry standards compliance. Course Objectives: 1) Demonstrate knowledge of different types of tools used in plumbing jobs. 2) Explain the process for installing pipes, drains, valves, and fixtures in a safe manner. 3) Identify industry standards that must be followed when assembling a plumbing system. 4) Analyze problems related to existing or newly installed piping systems and develop solutions accordingly. 5) Utilize various methods for testing water pressure levels in residential applications correctly.
  • Course Description This course covers the basics of plumbing and pipefitting, focusing on installation, repair, and safety protocols. Course Objectives
    • Understand the basics of plumbing and pipefitting.
    • Learn installation techniques.
    • Develop repair skills.
    • Emphasize safety in plumbing work.
    • Prepare students for roles in plumbing and pipefitting.
    Course Outcomes
    1. Explain the basics of plumbing and pipefitting.
    2. Perform installation techniques.
    3. Conduct plumbing repairs.
    4. Apply safety protocols in plumbing work.
    5. Prepare for roles in plumbing and pipefitting.
  • Course Description: This course covers the management of ports and terminals, including terminal operations, cargo handling, and logistics. Students will learn to optimize port efficiency and manage resources effectively. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of port and terminal management.
    2. Learn about terminal operations and cargo handling.
    3. Optimize logistics and resource management in ports and terminals.
    4. Develop strategies to enhance port and terminal efficiency.
    5. Evaluate the impact of management practices on port and terminal operations.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Manage port and terminal operations efficiently.
    2. Implement effective terminal operations and cargo handling practices.
    3. Optimize logistics and resource use in port and terminal operations.
    4. Develop and implement strategies to improve port and terminal efficiency.
    5. Assess and improve management practices in port and terminal operations.