Products 301 - 310 from 868. Products on page
  • Course Description  This course covers the basics of photovoltaic system installation, including solar panel setup, wiring, and safety protocols.  Course Objectives 
    • Understand the basics of photovoltaic systems. 
    • Learn solar panel installation techniques. 
    • Develop wiring skills. 
    • Emphasize safety in photovoltaic system installation. 
    • Prepare students for roles in solar installation. 
    Course Outcomes 
    1. Explain the basics of photovoltaic systems. 
    2. Install solar panels effectively. 
    3. Perform wiring for photovoltaic systems. 
    4. Apply safety protocols in solar installation. 
    5. Prepare for roles in photovoltaic system installation. 
  • Course Description This course introduces the basics of warehouse inventory management, including tracking, storage, and inventory control techniques. Course Objectives
    • Understand the basics of inventory management.
    • Learn inventory tracking techniques.
    • Develop skills in storage and organization.
    • Emphasize inventory control methods.
    • Prepare students for roles in warehouse inventory management.
    Course Outcomes
    1. Explain the basics of inventory management.
    2. Track inventory accurately.
    3. Organize storage efficiently.
    4. Apply inventory control methods.
    5. Prepare for roles in warehouse inventory management.
  • Course Description This course covers the basics of forklift operation, focusing on safety, maintenance, and efficient use. Course Objectives
    • Understand the basics of forklift operation.
    • Learn safety protocols for forklift use.
    • Develop skills in forklift maintenance.
    • Emphasize efficient forklift operation.
    • Prepare students for roles in forklift operation.
    Course Outcomes
    1. Explain the basics of forklift operation.
    2. Apply safety protocols in forklift use.
    3. Maintain a forklift properly.
    4. Operate a forklift efficiently.
    5. Prepare for roles in forklift operation.
  • Course Description This course introduces basic computer skills, including using operating systems, software applications, and internet navigation. Course Objectives
    • Understand the basics of computer operation.
    • Learn to use common software applications.
    • Develop internet navigation skills.
    • Emphasize computer safety and security.
    • Prepare students for roles requiring basic computer skills.
    Course Outcomes
    1. Explain the basics of computer operation.
    2. Use common software applications effectively.
    3. Navigate the internet safely.
    4. Apply computer safety and security protocols.
    5. Prepare for roles requiring basic computer skills.
  • Course Description This course covers essential office administration skills, including organization, communication, and office management. Course Objectives
    • Understand the basics of office administration.
    • Learn organizational techniques.
    • Develop communication skills.
    • Emphasize office management.
    • Prepare students for roles in office administration.
    Course Outcomes
    1. Explain the basics of office administration.
    2. Apply organizational techniques.
    3. Communicate effectively in an office setting.
    4. Manage office tasks efficiently.
    5. Prepare for roles in office administration.
  • Course Description This course introduces the basics of metalworking, including cutting, shaping, and assembling metal parts, with a focus on safety and precision. Course Objectives
    • Understand the basics of metalworking.
    • Learn cutting and shaping techniques.
    • Develop skills in assembling metal parts.
    • Emphasize safety in metalworking.
    • Prepare students for roles in metalworking.
    Course Outcomes
    1. Explain the basics of metalworking.
    2. Perform cutting and shaping techniques.
    3. Assemble metal parts accurately.
    4. Apply safety protocols in metalworking.
    5. Prepare for roles in metalworking.
  • Course Description  This course introduces the basics of wind turbine maintenance, including inspection, repair, and safety protocols.  Course Objectives 
    • Understand the basics of wind turbine maintenance. 
    • Learn inspection techniques. 
    • Develop repair skills. 
    • Emphasize safety in wind turbine maintenance. 
    • Prepare students for roles in wind turbine maintenance. 
    Course Outcomes 
    1. Explain the basics of wind turbine maintenance. 
    2. Perform wind turbine inspections. 
    3. Conduct wind turbine repairs. 
    4. Apply safety protocols in wind turbine maintenance. 
    5. Prepare for roles in wind turbine maintenance. 
  • Course Description This course introduces the basics of landscaping and groundskeeping, focusing on plant care, maintenance, and safety protocols. Course Objectives
    • Understand the basics of landscaping and groundskeeping.
    • Learn plant care techniques.
    • Develop maintenance skills.
    • Emphasize safety in groundskeeping work.
    • Prepare students for roles in landscaping and groundskeeping.
    Course Outcomes
    1. Explain the basics of landscaping and groundskeeping.
    2. Apply plant care techniques.
    3. Perform maintenance tasks efficiently.
    4. Apply safety protocols in groundskeeping.
    5. Prepare for roles in landscaping and groundskeeping.
  • Course Description This course covers the basics of food handling and safety, focusing on hygiene, preparation, and storage techniques. Course Objectives
    • Understand the basics of food handling.
    • Learn hygiene practices in food handling.
    • Develop food preparation skills.
    • Emphasize safety in food storage.
    • Prepare students for roles in food handling and safety.
    Course Outcomes
    1. Explain the basics of food handling.
    2. Apply hygiene practices in food handling.
    3. Prepare food safely.
    4. Store food properly.
    5. Prepare for roles in food handling and safety.
  • Course Description This course introduces the basics of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems, focusing on installation, maintenance, and safety. Course Objectives
    • Understand the basics of HVAC systems.
    • Learn installation techniques.
    • Develop maintenance skills.
    • Emphasize safety in HVAC work.
    • Prepare students for roles in HVAC installation and maintenance.
    Course Outcomes
    1. Explain the basics of HVAC systems.
    2. Perform HVAC installation techniques.
    3. Conduct HVAC maintenance.
    4. Apply safety protocols in HVAC work.
    Prepare for roles in HVAC installation and maintenance