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  • Course Description This course introduces basic food preparation techniques, including chopping, cooking methods, and presentation. Course Objectives
    • Understand the basics of food preparation.
    • Learn chopping and cutting techniques.
    • Develop cooking skills.
    • Emphasize food presentation.
    • Prepare students for roles in food preparation.
    Course Outcomes
    1. Explain the basics of food preparation.
    2. Perform chopping and cutting techniques.
    3. Apply various cooking methods.
    4. Present food attractively.
    5. Prepare for roles in food preparation.
  • Course Description: This course covers essential principles of food safety and sanitation, including hygiene practices, foodborne illness prevention, and regulatory compliance. Participants will learn to maintain high standards of food safety. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the principles of food safety and sanitation.
    • Learn techniques for preventing foodborne illnesses.
    • Ensure compliance with food safety regulations.
    Learning Outcomes:
    • Implement food safety and sanitation practices.
    • Prevent and manage foodborne illnesses.
    • Ensure regulatory compliance in food service operations.
  • Food Science and Technology Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This Food Science and Technology Course Syllabus is an online course that provides participants with in-depth knowledge of food science principles and the tools necessary to apply them to their everyday work. Through interactive activities, real-life applications, case studies, videos, and other learning materials, this course will equip participants with a solid foundation for creating successful technological solutions for the food industry. Course Objectives: 1. Understand basic chemical and physical phenomena related to foods such as solubility, heat transfer mechanisms, pH relationships, etc. 2. Identify key properties of additives used in foods such as preservatives, flavorings, and colorants along with their functionalities when added into recipes or formulations. 3. Explore how to grow new products from existing ingredients through novel combinations of texture/flavor modifiers using advanced technologies like nanoencapsulation techniques or emulsification processes. 4. Learn about important introduction to nutrition concepts related to macronutrients (fats/lipids; carbohydrates; proteins) along with vitamins/minerals which are essential components of all diets associated with health benefits on the human body as a consequence of their intake throughout meals formulation process. 5. Understand the fundamentals of food safety and related regulations for process development in order to provide safe foods. 6. Gain insights into how to develop and design cutting-edge technologies that could be used within the food industry to create innovative products, from conception through commercialization. 7. Learn about emerging markets and trends in the food industry such as plant-based foods, alternative proteins, and local sourcing.
  • Course Description  This course introduces the basics of small engine repair, including troubleshooting, maintenance, and safety protocols.  Course Objectives 
    • Understand the basics of small engine repair. 
    • Learn troubleshooting techniques. 
    • Develop maintenance skills. 
    • Emphasize safety in small engine repair. 
    • Prepare students for roles in small engine repair. 
    Course Outcomes 
    1. Explain the basics of small engine repair. 
    2. Perform troubleshooting techniques. 
    3. Maintain small engines effectively. 
    4. Apply safety protocols in small engine repair. 
    5. Prepare for roles in small engine repair. 
  • Course Description: This course covers the management of freight operations in railways, including logistics, scheduling, and cargo handling. Students will learn to optimize freight operations for efficiency and reliability. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of freight operations in railways.
    2. Develop effective logistics strategies for freight transport.
    3. Learn about scheduling and resource allocation in freight operations.
    4. Optimize cargo handling and storage techniques.
    5. Evaluate the performance of freight operations.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Manage freight operations to ensure efficiency and reliability.
    2. Develop logistics strategies for optimal freight transport.
    3. Implement effective scheduling and resource allocation practices.
    4. Optimize cargo handling and storage in railway freight operations.
    5. Assess and improve the performance of freight operations.
  • Course Description: This course focuses on managing the front office of a hotel, including reservations, check-in/check-out processes, guest services, and customer satisfaction. Participants will enhance their front office management skills. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the functions of the hotel front office.
    • Develop skills for managing front office operations.
    • Learn techniques for enhancing guest services and satisfaction.
    Learning Outcomes:
    • Manage reservations and front office operations.
    • Handle check-in and check-out processes efficiently.
    • Enhance guest services and overall customer satisfaction.
  • Fundamentals Classroom Course Description: This online course provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of classroom management. Through this course, participants will gain an understanding of the key components of effective classroom management and learn how to create a positive learning environment for students. Participants will also be introduced to strategies for developing routines, fostering classroom community, managing disruptions, and building student relationships. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the key components of effective classroom management
    • Develop strategies for creating a positive learning environment
    • Learn how to establish warm-up routines and seating arrangements
    • Gain an understanding of how to foster classroom community
    • Develop skills for managing disruptions in the classroom
    • Explore ways to build student relationships
    • Learn how to integrate Google into the classroom
    • Understand how to create courses, organize classwork, distribute assessments, and provide feedback using Google tools
    • Identify resources for developing routines and fostering classroom community
    • Analyze videos on fundamentals of classroom assessment principles
  • Course Description This course covers the fundamental skills and techniques used in masonry, including bricklaying, stone setting, and concrete work. Course Objectives
    • Introduce basic masonry tools and materials.
    • Teach fundamental masonry techniques.
    • Emphasize safety in masonry work.
    • Develop skills in bricklaying and stone setting.
    • Understand the basics of concrete work.
    Course Outcomes
    1. Properly use masonry tools and materials.
    2. Apply safety protocols in masonry work.
    3. Perform basic masonry tasks.
    4. Lay bricks and set stones correctly.
    5. Execute basic concrete work.
  • Course Description: This course provides an introduction to railway engineering, covering the basic principles, infrastructure components, and operational aspects of railways. Students will learn about track structure, signaling systems, and train dynamics. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the basic principles of railway engineering.
    2. Learn about the components of railway infrastructure.
    3. Analyze the dynamics of train operations.
    4. Explore signaling systems and their functions.
    5. Study the integration of different railway systems.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Apply principles of railway engineering in practical scenarios.
    2. Identify and describe the components of railway infrastructure.
    3. Analyze train dynamics and their impact on operations.
    4. Understand the role and functioning of signaling systems.
    5. Integrate various railway systems for efficient operations.
  • Fundamentals of Technical Writing

    Course Description: This course is designed to help you become a successful technical writer. You will learn the fundamentals of technical writing, including how to write and edit documentation for a product, translate complex information into easily understood language, use good grammar and punctuation, structure your writing to make it more compelling and engaging, present ideas in an organized manner, generate relevant ideas for your audience and purpose, and overcome writer's block. You will also gain knowledge on topics such as interviewing skills, desktop publishing, and formatting. Learning Objectives:
    • Learn how to write and edit documentation for a product
    • Translate complex information into easily understood language
    • Use good grammar and punctuation
    • Structure your writing to make it more compelling and engaging
    • Present ideas in an organized manner
    • Generate relevant ideas for your audience and purpose
    • Overcome writer's block
    • Gain knowledge on interviewing skills
    • Learn about desktop publishing and formatting
    • Understand the principles of technical writing such as quality content, audience, purpose, accessibility, and grammar