Products 171 - 180 from 778. Products on page
  • Reading Instruction

    Course Description: This online course is designed to provide educators with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to address a variety of students' needs in reading. This course will cover the essential components of reading instruction such as phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary development, and comprehension. Through this course, participants will gain an understanding of how to plan to address instructional needs in all five big ideas of reading for their classes. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the essential components of reading instruction such as phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary development, and comprehension
    • Learn how to apply research-based instructional teaching and learning strategies for students with disabilities
    • Develop an understanding of multi-tiered support systems for schools implementing effective reading instruction
    • Gain knowledge about Foundations of Reading assessments and how they focus on the development, instruction, and assessment of reading
    • Learn about the five pillars of successful literacy instruction: Phonemic Awareness; Phonics; Fluency; Vocabulary Development; Comprehension
    • Develop strategies to help students obtain meaning from print and read fluently in good instruction settings
    • Understand how background knowledge can be used to improve student's reading abilities
    • Become familiar with Foundations of Reading Instruction & Intervention Series resources available online for educators looking for guidance in addressing student's needs in reading instruction settings
    • Learn how to use technology effectively when implementing Foundations of Reading Instruction & Intervention Series resources into classroom settings
    • Identify best practices when providing Foundations of Reading Instruction & Intervention Series resources for students with disabilities
  • Course Description:

    This course provides an overview of reading critically. Students will learn about strategies for interpreting literature, techniques for analyzing arguments, and other topics related to finding meaning in what you read. At the end of this course, students will be able to identify key points within a text, create innovative systems for evaluating claims, and implement strategies that allow them to draw meaningful conclusions from their readings. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of reading critically
    • Explore principles of analyzing literature
    • Analyze methods for uncovering themes
    • Utilize strategies for interpreting arguments
    • Comprehend different techniques for making inferences
    • Evaluate approaches to understanding interpretations
    • Create custom plans based on program needs
    • Develop strategies for recognizing assumptions
    • Design custom solutions based on context
    • Implement techniques for successful outcomes
  • Course Description: This online course provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of math reading. It covers the basics, including numeracy, text analysis, basic operations, and problem-solving. You will learn about different techniques used in math reading as well as how to apply mathematical concepts to reading comprehension. You will also gain an understanding of how to reason abstractly and solve complex problems found in reading materials. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, and assignments you will develop your knowledge of math reading while learning how to comprehend texts using data analysis, calculate probability, and utilize logical reasoning. This course is ideal for individuals who are looking to hone their skills in mathematics and reading or those interested in pursuing a career in engineering or education.
  • Course Description: This course focuses on the inspection and monitoring of railway tracks to ensure safety and performance. Topics include inspection techniques, monitoring technologies, and maintenance planning. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of railway track inspection and monitoring.
    2. Learn about different inspection techniques and tools.
    3. Develop monitoring strategies for track performance.
    4. Implement maintenance planning based on inspection results.
    5. Evaluate the effectiveness of track inspection and monitoring.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Conduct comprehensive railway track inspections.
    2. Utilize monitoring technologies to assess track performance.
    3. Develop maintenance plans based on inspection data.
    4. Ensure the safety and reliability of railway tracks.
    5. Assess and improve track inspection and monitoring practices.
  • Course Description: This course covers the design and maintenance of railway tracks, focusing on track geometry, materials, and maintenance practices to ensure safe and efficient railway operations. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of railway track design.
    2. Learn about materials used in track construction.
    3. Explore track geometry and alignment.
    4. Develop maintenance strategies for railway tracks.
    5. Evaluate the impact of track design on railway operations.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Design railway tracks that meet safety and operational standards.
    2. Select appropriate materials for track construction and maintenance.
    3. Implement effective track maintenance strategies.
    4. Analyze the impact of track geometry on train performance.
    5. Ensure the longevity and safety of railway tracks.
  • Course Description: This course covers the integration of various railway systems, including signaling, telecommunications, and rolling stock. Students will learn to create cohesive and efficient railway operations through system integration. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of railway system integration.
    2. Learn about the integration of signaling, telecommunications, and rolling stock.
    3. Develop strategies for cohesive railway operations.
    4. Implement integration techniques to enhance efficiency.
    5. Evaluate the impact of system integration on railway performance.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Integrate various railway systems for cohesive operations.
    2. Develop and implement strategies for system integration.
    3. Enhance railway efficiency through integrated systems.
    4. Assess the performance of integrated railway operations.
    5. Ensure seamless operation of integrated railway systems.
  • Course Description: This course covers the design and management of railway stations, focusing on passenger flow, accessibility, and the integration of station facilities with surrounding infrastructure. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of railway station design.
    2. Learn about passenger flow and accessibility considerations.
    3. Develop station designs that integrate with surrounding infrastructure.
    4. Implement strategies for effective station management.
    5. Evaluate the impact of station design on passenger experience.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Design railway stations that optimize passenger flow.
    2. Ensure accessibility and convenience in station designs.
    3. Integrate station facilities with surrounding infrastructure.
    4. Manage railway stations effectively to enhance passenger experience.
    5. Assess and improve the design and management of railway stations.
  • Course Description: This course explores the integration of signaling and telecommunications systems in railways. Topics include signal design, communication networks, and the role of telecommunications in railway operations. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of railway signaling and telecommunications.
    2. Learn about signal design and communication networks.
    3. Develop strategies for integrating signaling and telecommunications.
    4. Implement telecommunications systems in railway operations.
    5. Evaluate the impact of signaling and telecommunications on railway efficiency.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Design and integrate signaling and telecommunications systems.
    2. Implement effective communication networks in railways.
    3. Develop strategies to enhance railway operations through telecommunications.
    4. Assess the performance of signaling and telecommunications systems.
    5. Improve railway efficiency through integrated signaling and telecommunications.
  • Course Description: This course covers safety and risk management practices in the railway industry, including risk assessment, safety protocols, and emergency response strategies. Students will learn to develop and implement safety management systems. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of railway safety and risk management.
    2. Conduct risk assessments for railway operations.
    3. Develop and implement safety protocols.
    4. Learn about emergency response strategies in railways.
    5. Evaluate and improve safety management systems.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Conduct comprehensive risk assessments for railway operations.
    2. Develop and implement effective safety protocols.
    3. Plan and execute emergency response strategies.
    4. Enhance railway safety through systematic risk management.
    5. Continuously improve safety management systems in railways.
  • Course Description: This course covers the principles and practices of project management in the railway industry. Topics include project planning, execution, monitoring, and control, with a focus on delivering railway projects on time and within budget. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of railway project management.
    2. Develop comprehensive project plans for railway projects.
    3. Execute and monitor railway projects effectively.
    4. Control project budgets and schedules.
    5. Ensure successful project delivery and stakeholder satisfaction.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Plan and manage railway projects effectively.
    2. Monitor and control project progress and budgets.
    3. Ensure timely and within-budget project delivery.
    4. Satisfy stakeholder requirements and expectations.
    5. Implement best practices in railway project management.
