Products 141 - 150 from 868. Products on page
  • Course Description:

    This course takes a systematic approach to improve your decision-making skills. Managerial and Organizational Behavior helps you lead by providing you with the technical and functional skills needed to navigate the challenges presented by a complex organization. Students will focus on learning how people use information and make decisions and how they develop and use human capital to make things happen. Course Objectives:
    •  The distinction in decision-making between descriptive, normative, and prescriptive aspects
    •  The distinction between intuitive and systematic decision-making
    •  The objective of this course is to help you become a better decision maker
  • Principles of Educational Administration Course Description: This online course provides an overview of the key principles of educational administration. It covers the fundamentals of successful leadership and management, including how to facilitate communication, execute problem-solving decisions, manage finances, and promote collaboration. You will learn about staff & volunteer management systems, facility & technology upgrades, budgeting processes, and organizational structures. You will also gain an understanding of how to implement successful strategies in a school or district setting. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, videos, and assignments you will develop your knowledge of educational administration while learning how to lead initiatives that have a positive impact on student success. This course is ideal for individuals who are interested in developing their skills as an administrator or supervisor in the field of education. Course Objectives:  
    • Understand principles associated with successful educational administration
    • Facilitate communication between stakeholders
    • Execute responsible decision-making
    • Manage financial resources
    • Evaluate staffing needs & solutions
    • Find appropriate solutions for daily problems
    • Identify potential facility & technology upgrades
    • Create budgets that meet goals
    • Promote collaboration among staff members
    • Develop effective organizational structures
  • Introduction to Teaching 
    Course Description:    This course will provide future teachers with a deeper understanding of and better preparation for the teaching profession by weaving in three themes central to teaching today—professionalism, diversity, and reform. Two central questions frame the text: “Do I want to be a teacher?” and “What kind of teacher do I want to become?”. Classroom-based cases and interactive features will help you reflect on your responses to topics such as the implications of increasingly diverse classrooms, and the assessment and standards-driven educational climate. 
    Learning Objectives:  
    • Identify and understand differences and commonalities within diverse cultures 
    • Develop an overview of  school systems at the early childhood, elementary, middle, and high school levels n different cultures 
    • Strengthen decision-making skills within a context of complex situations where there may not be a match between theory and practice 
    • Enhance professional performance by critically examining values, beliefs, and strategies that facilitate the learning of all students 
    • Examine personal motivation for choosing education as a major 
  • Course Description:  

    This course is an introduction to the application of psychology to the problems of education in a variety of educational settings. It examines the theoretical and applied aspects of learning, motivation, human development, personality, and measurement and evaluation  
     Learning Objectives: 
    • Define learning and discuss the major categories of variables associated with learning 
    • Compare and contrast the factors that cognitive, behavioral, and humanistic theorists believe influence the learning process 
    • Identify the major components and techniques of classroom planning, management, and instruction  
    • Identify how these general techniques can be modified to address individual differences  
  • How Learning Happens

    Course Description:   This course explores and analyzes how the brain, as a social organism, learns best throughout the lifespan, from our early schooling through late life. It helps teachers make connections to neurobiological principles, with the goal of creating classrooms that nurture healthy attachment patterns and resilient psyches. 
    Learning Objectives: 
    • Analyze how secure attachment and supportive relationships are critical for healthy psychological development and the building of social brain networks 
    • Analyze the brain as a social organ of adaptation critical to cognitive development 
    • Identify techniques to succeed with difficult or “unteachable” students 
    • Analyze teaching from the perspectives of social neuroscience and interpersonal neurobiology 
    • Create classrooms that nurture healthy attachment patterns and resilient psyches
  • Learning Styles   

    Course Description:   This course outlines different learning styles and illustrates how to design and deliver effective learning experiences that appeal to these styles. You’ll even have a chance to check out your own preferred styles!  
    Learning Objectives: 
    • Analyze basic characteristics of different intelligence, learning, and assessment styles  
    • Analyze and determine personal Learning Style 
    • Distinguish between common classroom learning and assessment styles 
    • Analyze teaching strategies for different Learning and Assessment styles 
  • Curriculum Design and Supervision

    Course Description: This online course is designed to provide participants with an understanding of the fundamentals of school curriculum design and supervision. Through interactive learning activities, the course will explore core concepts such as student learning objectives, assessment development, lesson planning, instructional strategies, and data-driven decision-making. Participants will also gain an understanding of the components of effective professional learning communities (PLCs), standards-based accountability models, and how to use technology in instruction. Course Objectives:
    • Understand how to develop student learning objectives that are aligned with state curriculum frameworks
    • Gain an understanding of assessment development techniques for measuring student performance
    • Learn best practices for creating effective lesson plans that engage students in meaningful learning activities
    • Explore various instructional strategies and approaches to content delivery
    • Develop skills for using data to inform instructional decisions
    • Understand the principles behind establishing professional learning communities (PLCs) within a school environment
    • Identify tools for evaluating student progress against standards-based accountability models
    • Explore ways to effectively integrate technology into instruction
    • Develop a deeper understanding of research related trends in curriculum design and supervision
    • Gain insight into ethical considerations when providing services relating to curriculum design and supervision
  • Lesson Planning

    Learning Objectives:
    • Identify and understand how to manage Time, Space, and Resources
    • Analyze Bloom’s Taxonomy
    • Analyze both Sequential and Global approaches to meeting standards
    • Develop a Learner-Centered Classroom
    • Develop lessons for the 21st-century student
  • Classroom Management  in Preschool This course focuses on the concept of classroom management for preschool classrooms. It examines how to design and maintain a safe, organized and engaging learning environment that is conducive to student achievement. The objectives of this course include teaching students how to develop positive relationships with students, create an effective learning environment using visual aids, use appropriate behavior modification strategies and foster an atmosphere of cooperative learning. Further topics will include developing age-appropriate activities, responding respectfully to challenging behaviors, promoting self-esteem in young children and managing transitions between activities. Through this comprehensive course on innovative methods for classroom management in preschool grades, teachers will have the knowledge they need to create a successful academic experience within their classrooms. Learning Objectives:
    • Develop effective strategies for creating a safe and supportive learning environment in their preschool classrooms
    • Utilize age-appropriate activities to engage students and promote learning
    • Recognize and respond appropriately to challenging behaviors
    • Foster self-esteem among young learners
    • Manage transitions between activities in the classroom
    • Integrate visual aids into their lesson plans to engage students and encourage learning
    • Implement behavior modification strategies to teach positive behaviors
    • Create an atmosphere of cooperation and collaboration within the classroom
    By mastering these fundamental concepts, preschool teachers will be equipped to design and maintain an effective learning environment for their students. This course will incorporate a variety of instructional methods, including lectures, discussions, activities, video clips and assessments. Participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences and learn from one another through small-group activities and interactive lessons. Additionally, participants will be provided with resources they can use in the future to continue their professional development.  
  • Children with Special Needs

    Course Description: This online course is designed to provide participants with an understanding of the principles and best practices for teaching children with special needs. Participants will explore topics such as learning disabilities, speech, and language issues, behavior management strategies, assistive technology, designing effective instruction plans, adapting lessons for diverse learners, working collaboratively with parents and professionals in the field of special education, and incorporating feedback into lesson planning. The course will also review evidence-based strategies for helping young children learn and grow in a safe and supportive environment. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the importance of creating a safe and supportive learning environment for students with special needs
    • Learn about identifying different types of learning disabilities in students
    • Acquire techniques for effectively addressing speech and language issues related to special needs
    •  Develop skills for managing disruptive behaviors in classrooms
    • Explore the use of appropriate assistive technology tools to help build student success
    • Gain knowledge of how to create effective individualized instruction plans
    • Examine evidence-based strategies for adapting instructional material to meet the needs of diverse learners
    • Develop techniques for working collaboratively with parents and professionals in fields related to special education
    • Understand ways to use technology appropriately in a setting that serves children with special needs
    • Recognize best practices for incorporating feedback into lesson plans