Products 61 - 70 from 777. Products on page
  • Personal Finance

    Course Description: Personal Finance is an online course designed to provide a comprehensive overview of financial management principles, budgeting, and investment strategies. This course aims to enhance your understanding of personal finance and develop the knowledge and skills required to manage your personal finances effectively. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, and assignments, you will develop an understanding of the basics of personal finance and develop effective financial strategies that are tailored to your financial goals. This course is ideal for individuals who want to develop a strong financial foundation and gain control over their finances. Course Objectives:
    • Develop a basic understanding of personal finance terms and concepts
    • Develop an understanding of budgeting and budgeting tools
    • Develop a financial plan, including setting financial goals and creating a budget to achieve them
    • Understand the fundamentals of credit ratings, credit reports, and managing credit
    • Understand the different types of savings and investment products available
    • Identify short-term and long-term financial goals and develop strategies to achieve them
    • Understand the basics of retirement planning and investing in retirement accounts
    • Explore different types of borrowing, including loans, credit cards, and mortgages
    • Understand the principles of insurance, including types of insurance and insurance planning
    • Analyze case studies and real-world examples to apply financial concepts to practical personal financial situations
  • Course Description: The online Culinary Arts Course explores the fundamentals of food preparation and cooking techniques. This course provides an introduction to the principles of nutrition, safety, sanitation, and organization for professional cookery. Students will gain knowledge on a variety of ingredients used in traditional recipes from around the world as well as how to properly use them when creating dishes. Course Objectives: 1) Understand the basics of food science, including flavor combinations, texture modifications, and plate presentation; 2) Learn safe handling practices and kitchen safety protocols; 3) Manage time effectively while preparing multiple dishes; 4) Recognize common methods of food preservation; 5) Selection of appropriate tools required for tasks completed in a commercial setting; 6) Create both classical and modern dishes that reflect global cuisines; 7) Plan balanced meals based on nutritional needs or dietary restrictions.
  • Advanced Manufacturing and Machinery Mechanics Syllabus

    Course Description: This online Advanced Manufacturing and Machinery Mechanics course will provide students with an in-depth understanding of the mechanics and operations involved in manufacturing. It covers topics such as mechanical engineering principles, metallurgy, machine tools, production systems and processes, numerical control automation systems, safety hazards, and preventive measures. Course Objectives:
    • Understand fundamental concepts of machinery mechanics including basic science principles related to force, work energy transfer techniques involving machines used for mass production
    • Understand the use of mathematics to calculate dimensions related to precision machining
    • Review a range of materials that are commonly found in manufacturing settings
    • Analyze performance issues arising from production process design decisions
    • Gain experience troubleshooting common machine malfunctions by simulating possible solutions before implementation on live equipment
    • Develop competency with various pieces of industrial machinery through hands-on class activities or virtual simulations
    • Demonstrate proficiency using Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
  • Renewable Energy Syllabus

    Course Description: This online course is designed to help participants understand the basics of renewable energy and its applications in our daily lives. This course will cover topics such as different types of renewable energy, processes for implementing them into daily life, current trends in technology, and economic considerations when planning for future energy needs. Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to: Course Objectives: 1. How renewable sources can affect individual lifestyle choices as well as policy decisions 2. Identify viable alternatives to non-renewable energy sources 3. Analyze the cost benefits associated with investing in renewable energy technologies 4. Understand the various regulatory policies that govern different forms of renewable energies 5. Explain how technological advances have enabled a wider range of options for utilizing sustainable resources
  • Engineering Design Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This online Engineering course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the practical application of engineering concepts in everyday work. Participants will learn how to analyze, design and implement processes that are used by professionals in the field. By mastering problem-solving skills and computer-aided design tools, participants will be able to develop innovative solutions for real-life applications. Course Objectives: 1. Develop a strong understanding of basic engineering principles like vectors, forces, and stress calculations 2. Analyze different types of systems using mathematical modeling techniques like linear equations or matrix algebra 3. Understand engineering materials used in daily operations 4. Demonstrate proficiency in Computer Aided Design (CAD) software such as AutoCAD or Solidworks 5. Construct virtual models that can be tested through simulations based on user input variables 6. Generate data analysis reports on experimental results from multiple sources 7. Interpret graphical representation tools such as bar charts or histograms when analyzing data sets 8. Create detailed product plans utilizing parts lists and specifications sheets 9. Examine safety standards related to designing structures and machines 10. Use 3D printing technologies to build solid prototypes from a digital model
  • Food Science and Technology Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This Food Science and Technology Course Syllabus is an online course that provides participants with in-depth knowledge of food science principles and the tools necessary to apply them to their everyday work. Through interactive activities, real-life applications, case studies, videos, and other learning materials, this course will equip participants with a solid foundation for creating successful technological solutions for the food industry. Course Objectives: 1. Understand basic chemical and physical phenomena related to foods such as solubility, heat transfer mechanisms, pH relationships, etc. 2. Identify key properties of additives used in foods such as preservatives, flavorings, and colorants along with their functionalities when added into recipes or formulations. 3. Explore how to grow new products from existing ingredients through novel combinations of texture/flavor modifiers using advanced technologies like nanoencapsulation techniques or emulsification processes. 4. Learn about important introduction to nutrition concepts related to macronutrients (fats/lipids; carbohydrates; proteins) along with vitamins/minerals which are essential components of all diets associated with health benefits on the human body as a consequence of their intake throughout meals formulation process. 5. Understand the fundamentals of food safety and related regulations for process development in order to provide safe foods. 6. Gain insights into how to develop and design cutting-edge technologies that could be used within the food industry to create innovative products, from conception through commercialization. 7. Learn about emerging markets and trends in the food industry such as plant-based foods, alternative proteins, and local sourcing.
  • Carpentry Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This online course in Construction Carpentry will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of everything related to carpentry and its application in real life. Participants will learn about the different types of materials used, tools required, safety measures, and construction principles needed for successful projects. Through lectures, demonstrations, videos, and hands-on exercises, participants will gain the knowledge necessary for construction carpentry. Course Objectives:   1.      Understand the basic principles of building structures from wood 2.      Learn how to properly use hand & power tools for cutting, joining & finishing wooden components 3.      Acquire skills in reading blueprints and constructing moldings for interior & exterior finishes 4.      Learn about proper installation techniques for trimming doors/windows/cabinets 5.      Demonstrate ability to build trusses & rafters according to specific measurements 6.      Install drywall effectively by screwing wooden boards into studs using drills 7.      Utilize saws accurately while measuring dimensions correctly 8.      Become proficient at installing siding sheets while adhering to local codes 9.      Apply weatherproof sealants such as caulking around windowsills or doorframes
  • History of Mankind

    Course Description: This online course will provide an overview of the history of mankind, from the emergence of the genus Homo in Africa to the modern day. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of human history, including its major events and developments. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the timeline of human evolution and development
    • Identify key milestones in human history
    • Analyze how advances in technology have impacted humanity over time
    • Recognize the impact of different civilizations on world history
    • Examine how humans have adapted to changing environments throughout history
    • Discuss the role of religion and philosophy in shaping human culture and society
    • Analyze how scientific discoveries have shaped our understanding of humanity
    • Explore how different cultures have interacted with each other throughout history
    • Evaluate the impact of colonialism on world history
    • Analyze current trends in global affairs and their implications for humanity's future
  • Distribution and Logistics Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This course provides an overview of the fundamentals of distribution and logistics. It covers topics such as transportation, warehousing, packaging, supply chain management, freight management, delivery, and more. By the end of this course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of the principles and processes behind distribution and logistics. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of distribution and logistics
    • Learn about the different components of supply chain management
    • Analyze transportation costs and delivery times for different products
    • Examine how to optimize warehouse operations for efficiency
    • Explore methods for packaging goods in order to ensure safe delivery
    • Investigate techniques for managing freight costs effectively
    • Assess strategies for improving customer service through efficient delivery systems
    • Develop an understanding of how to use technology to streamline distribution processes
    • Analyze data from various sources in order to make informed decisions about distribution and logistics operations
    • Utilize best practices in order to create a successful distribution system
  • Exercise Science and Wellness

    Course Description: Exercise Science and Wellness is an online course designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a career in the fitness industry. The course covers topics such as anatomy, exercise physiology, biomechanics, motor control, coaching, community health and wellness, disability studies, and more. Participants will learn how to apply these concepts to their own lives and develop strategies for achieving personal fitness goals. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the fundamentals of exercise science and wellness
    • Learn about anatomy, exercise physiology, biomechanics, motor control, and more
    • Develop an understanding of coaching techniques
    • Explore community health and wellness initiatives
    • Become knowledgeable about disability studies
    • Analyze personal fitness goals and create strategies for achieving them
    • Develop a comprehensive understanding of nutrition principles
    • Learn how to use technology to track progress toward fitness goals
    • Understand the importance of physical activity in overall health
    • Create personalized exercise plans that are tailored to individual needs
