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  • Course Description:

    International business is the exchange of goods and services between countries. It includes activities such as the production, distribution, and marketing of products or services across international borders. This course will provide an overview of the fundamentals of international business, including topics such as global markets, trade agreements, and international finance. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the different types of international business activities
    • Learn about the various factors that influence international business
    • Develop an understanding of the global economy and its impact on businesses
    • Analyze the risks associated with conducting business in foreign markets
    • Explore strategies for managing cultural differences in a global environment
    • Examine methods for mitigating political risk when doing business abroad
    • Investigate ways to access capital for international expansion
    • Evaluate legal considerations when entering new markets
    • Analyze current trends in global trade and their implications for businesses
    • Develop skills for effective communication in a multicultural setting
  • Course Description: This course explores the integration of rail transport with other modes of transport to create efficient intermodal transport solutions. Topics include logistics, infrastructure, and the benefits of intermodal transport. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of intermodal transport.
    2. Develop strategies to integrate rail with other transport modes.
    3. Optimize logistics for intermodal transport solutions.
    4. Design infrastructure to support intermodal transport.
    5. Evaluate the benefits of intermodal transport systems.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Develop and implement intermodal transport solutions.
    2. Integrate rail transport with other modes effectively.
    3. Optimize logistics for seamless intermodal operations.
    4. Design infrastructure that supports intermodal transport.
    5. Assess and promote the benefits of intermodal transport systems.
  • Course Description:

    This course will provide participants with an understanding of the fundamentals of intermediate game development. Topics covered include advanced scripting and coding techniques, asset optimization, debugging technologies, and testing methods. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the development process as well as knowledge of how to identify weak points in product design.

  • Intercultural and Cosmopolitan Learning Course Description: This online course provides an introduction to the study of intercultural and cosmopolitan learning. It covers key concepts, such as cultural awareness, communication with diverse populations, building bridges between different cultures, and embracing diversity. You will learn about different techniques used in developing knowledge and skills related to cross-cultural collaborations as well as how to apply a deeper understanding of culture-sensitive practices to foster inclusion. You will also gain an understanding of how working collaboratively across cultures can lead to innovative approaches and long-term solutions. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, and assignments you will develop your knowledge of intercultural and cosmopolitan learning while learning practical skills such as recognizing bias & stereotypes in interpersonal interactions, adapting teaching materials & approaches for diverse settings, creating safe organizational environments for intercultural connections, engaging stakeholders in ethical decision making processes and engaging in meaningful dialogue when dealing with complex issues. This course is ideal for those who are new to examining intercultural matters or are interested in pursuing a path involving more advanced topics in the subject. Course Objectives:
    • Describe key principles & practices related to intercultural learning
    • Examine cultural awareness & communication strategies
    • Develop bridge-building skills
    • Develop strategies for fostering inclusion
    • Adapt teaching materials & approaches
    • Recognize bias & stereotypes
    • Create safe organizational environments
    • Engage stakeholders in ethical decision-making
    • Engage in meaningful dialogue
    • Use problem-solving processes with an intercultural lens
  • Course Description: This course introduces Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and their applications in road transportation. Topics include ITS technologies, data collection and analysis, and the integration of ITS in traffic management. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of Intelligent Transportation Systems.
    2. Explore various ITS technologies and their applications.
    3. Learn data collection and analysis techniques for ITS.
    4. Integrate ITS in traffic management systems.
    5. Evaluate the benefits and challenges of ITS implementation.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Implement ITS technologies in road transportation projects.
    2. Collect and analyze data to improve traffic management.
    3. Integrate ITS with existing traffic management systems.
    4. Assess the impact of ITS on traffic flow and safety.
    5. Enhance road transportation efficiency through ITS.
  • Course Description: This course covers the design and implementation of intelligent transport systems (ITS) in urban areas, including traffic management, public transport coordination, and real-time information systems. Students will learn to use ITS to enhance urban mobility. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of intelligent transport systems.
    2. Learn about the applications of ITS in urban transport.
    3. Develop strategies for implementing ITS in cities.
    4. Use real-time information systems to improve urban mobility.
    5. Evaluate the impact of ITS on urban transport efficiency.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Develop and implement intelligent transport systems in urban areas.
    2. Use ITS to enhance traffic management and public transport coordination.
    3. Utilize real-time information systems to improve urban mobility.
    4. Assess the impact of ITS on urban transport efficiency.
    5. Improve urban mobility through the application of ITS.
  • Course Description: This course explores the integration of different public transport modes, including buses, trams, and metro systems, to create seamless and efficient urban transport networks. Students will learn about multimodal transport planning and coordination. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of integrating public transport systems.
    2. Learn about multimodal transport planning and coordination.
    3. Develop strategies for seamless integration of public transport modes.
    4. Implement coordination measures for public transport systems.
    5. Evaluate the impact of integrated public transport on urban mobility.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Develop and implement strategies for integrating public transport systems.
    2. Coordinate different public transport modes effectively.
    3. Create seamless and efficient urban transport networks.
    4. Assess the impact of integrated public transport on urban mobility.
    5. Improve urban transport efficiency through multimodal integration.
  • Course Description: This course focuses on the integrated management of coastal zones, including the coordination of various activities, sustainable practices, and the protection of coastal environments. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of integrated coastal zone management.
    2. Coordinate activities in coastal zones effectively.
    3. Develop sustainable practices for coastal zone management.
    4. Protect coastal environments through integrated management.
    5. Evaluate the impact of coastal zone management on environmental sustainability.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Implement integrated coastal zone management practices effectively.
    2. Coordinate various activities in coastal zones.
    3. Develop and implement sustainable practices for coastal zone management.
    4. Protect coastal environments through integrated management strategies.
    Assess and improve the impact of coastal zone management on environmental
  • Course Description: This course explores the latest innovations in urban transport technology, including smart mobility solutions, electric and autonomous vehicles, and mobility-as-a-service (MaaS). Students will learn to evaluate and implement innovative technologies in urban transport systems. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of urban transport technology innovations.
    2. Learn about the latest smart mobility solutions and technologies.
    3. Evaluate the impact of innovative technologies on urban transport.
    4. Develop strategies for implementing new transport technologies.
    5. Promote the adoption of cutting-edge technologies in urban transport systems.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Identify and assess new technologies in urban transport.
    2. Develop strategies for implementing innovative transport solutions.
    3. Evaluate the impact of new technologies on urban mobility.
    4. Promote the adoption of smart mobility solutions and technologies.
    5. Improve urban transport systems through the integration of new technologies.
  • Course Description: This course explores emerging technologies in transportation. Students will learn about innovations such as autonomous vehicles, smart infrastructure, and advanced data analytics. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the latest technological advancements in transportation.
    • Evaluate the impact of new technologies on transportation systems.
    • Implement innovative technologies in transportation projects.
    Course Outcomes:
    • Integrate cutting-edge technologies into transportation systems.
    • Assess the benefits and challenges of transportation innovations.
    • Drive technological advancements in the transportation sector.
