Products 431 - 440 from 777. Products on page
  • Teaching ESL Course Description: Are you looking to become an ESL teacher? If so, this online course is for you! This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to become a successful ESL teacher. You will learn about the different methods of teaching ESL, how to assess students’ language abilities, and how to create a stimulating learning environment. By the end of this course, you will be able to confidently teach English as a Second Language (ESL) in any setting. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the fundamentals of teaching English as a Second Language (ESL)
    • Analyze the different methods of teaching ESL, such as Direct Method and Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
    • Learn how to assess students’ language abilities and create lesson plans accordingly
    • Develop strategies for creating a stimulating learning environment for ESL students
    • Understand how to use technology in the classroom when teaching ESL
    • Identify common challenges faced by ESL teachers and develop solutions for them
    • Learn how to effectively communicate with parents/guardians of ESL students
    • Understand best practices for working with English Language Learners (ELLs)
    • Become familiar with Do's & Don'ts when teaching English-language learners in the classroom or online setting
    • Gain insight into the requirements and salary expectations of an ESL teacher position in various settings such as schools or private tutoring services
  • Teaching ESL Vocabulary Course Description: Are you looking to help your students learn English as a second language? This online course will provide you with the tools and strategies you need to effectively teach ESL vocabulary. You'll learn how to present words with visual stimuli, attach context to vocabulary, use computers and television, use audio books, brainstorm, activate schema to introduce new vocabulary, understand the tier system of vocab, make it fun, model new vocabulary and build upon existing knowledge. By the end of this course, you'll have all the skills necessary to successfully teach ESL vocabulary. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the tier system of vocab
    • Present words with visual stimuli
    • Attach context to vocabulary
    • Use computers and television for teaching ESL vocabulary
    • Use audiobooks for teaching ESL vocabulary
    • Brainstorm on a topic for teaching ESL vocabulary
    • Activate schema to introduce new vocabulary
    • Make learning fun and engaging for students
    • Model new vocabulary for students
    • Build upon the existing knowledge of students when introducing new words
  • Teaching ESL Grammar Course Description: This course is designed to provide teachers with the tools and strategies needed to effectively teach grammar to English language learners (ELLs). Through this course, participants will gain an understanding of the basics of English grammar, learn how to select appropriate materials for grammar instruction, and master the fundamentals of teaching grammar rules and syntax. The course will cover topics such as creating context clues to support comprehension among ELLs, developing activities that foster engagement between students in a classroom setting, assessing student learning styles and abilities, utilizing interactive activities when teaching grammar concepts, scaffolding instruction for ELLs in diverse settings, planning lessons with age-appropriate content and objectives, and utilizing a variety of evidence-based strategies when assessing student progress. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the challenges faced by ELLs when learning grammar
    • Learn strategies for scaffolding instruction for ELLs in grammar classes
    • Identify ways to build vocabulary related to grammar topics
    • Develop age-appropriate lesson plans that incorporate visuals and multimedia elements
    • Explore ways of creating context clues to support comprehension by ELLs
    • Analyze student language assessments in order to determine individualized instructional objectives
    • Make use of evidence-based strategies when developing effective lesson plans for ELLs
    • Design activities that promote engagement among ELL students in grammar classrooms
    • Understand how to evaluate student learning styles and abilities when teaching basic English grammatical principles
    • Incorporate best practices for assessing student progress in courses related to teaching ESL Grammar
  • Teaching ESL Reading Course Description: This course is designed to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively teach reading to English language learners (ELLs). Participants will learn strategies for teaching English reading that focus on building core literacy skills such as listening, speaking, writing, and vocabulary development. The course will cover topics such as selecting age-appropriate texts, using visuals and multimedia elements in lessons plans, creating context clues to support comprehension, determining instructional objectives, scaffolding instruction for ELLs in diverse settings, assessing student learning styles and abilities, planning activities that foster engagement and collaboration between students, and utilizing a variety of evidence-based strategies when assessing student progress. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the challenges faced by ELLs when learning to read
    • Learn strategies for scaffolding instruction for ELLs in reading classes
    • Identify ways to build vocabulary related to reading topics
    • Develop age-appropriate lesson plans that incorporate visuals and multimedia elements
    • Explore ways of creating context clues to support comprehension by ELLs
    • Analyze student language assessments in order to determine individualized instructional objectives
    • Make use of evidence-based strategies when developing effective lesson plans for ELLs
    • Design activities that promote engagement among ELL students in reading classrooms
    • Understand how to evaluate student learning styles and abilities when teaching literacy skills
    • Incorporate best practices for assessing student progress in courses related to teaching ESL reading
  • ESL Writing Course Description: This course will equip you with the skills to write good persuasive essays in English, as well as improve your critical thinking skills. You'll also learn about grammar and punctuation, and how to enhance your writing style. Course Objectives:
    • Develop knowledge of English grammar
    • Learn how to write persuasive essays in English
    • Improve critical thinking skills
    • Master grammar and punctuation
    • Enhance writing style
    • Write clear sentences in English using a variety of tenses
    • Understand the basics of writing clear sentences in English
    • Learn how to write logically and clearly
    • Get valuable feedback on written work
    • Practice writing skills with confidence
  • Teaching ESL Science Course Description: This course is designed to provide teachers with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively teach science to English language learners (ELLs). The course will cover strategies for teaching science to ELLs, including how to scaffold instruction, build vocabulary, use inquiry-based lessons, and incorporate interactive activities. By the end of the course, participants will have a better understanding of how to create engaging lessons that meet the needs of their ELL students. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the challenges faced by ELLs when learning science
    • Learn strategies for scaffolding instruction for ELLs in science classes
    • Identify ways to build vocabulary related to science topics
    • Develop inquiry-based lessons that are accessible for ELLs
    • Incorporate interactive activities into lesson plans for ELLs in science classes
    • Utilize visuals and tactile projects when teaching science concepts to ELLs
    • Create an environment that encourages collaboration between ESL and classroom teachers when teaching science concepts to ELLs
    • Understand how literature can be used as a tool for teaching science concepts to ELLs
    • Analyze data from observations made during experiments conducted by ELL students in order to draw conclusions about scientific principles and theories being studied in class
    • Design lesson plans that are tailored towards meeting the needs of individual ELL students in a classroom setting
  • Course Description: This online course provides an introduction to differentiated instruction, a teaching approach that tailors instruction to meet the individual needs of students. Participants will learn how to differentiate content, process, products, and learning environment in order to maximize student learning. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the definition of differentiated instruction and its purpose in the classroom
    • Identify strategies for differentiating content, process, products, and learning environment
    • Develop lesson plans that incorporate differentiated instruction techniques
    • Utilize assessment tools to measure student progress and adjust instruction accordingly
    • Create a classroom environment that is conducive to differentiated instruction practices
    • Implement instructional strategies that are appropriate for different age groups and learning styles
    • Utilize technology resources to enhance differentiated instruction practices in the classroom
    • Analyze data from student assessments to inform instructional decisions and modify curriculum as needed
    • Collaborate with colleagues on best practices for implementing differentiated instruction in the classroom setting
    • Reflect on your own practice and identify areas for improvement related to differentiated instruction implementation in the classroom setting
  • Description: This course is designed to explore the processes and strategies involved with personal career management. This course discusses approaches and strategies for starting a new career, trying to choose a career path, and / or making changes or improvements to your current career. 
    Learning Outcomes: Students will learn 
    • How to create a career plan 
    • The differences between jobs and careers  
    • Strategies to take your career exactly where you want it to go
    • How to continue to develop your career 
  • Course Description: This course provides an overview of the hospitality industry, including its history, structure, and key sectors. Participants will gain a foundational understanding of the hospitality business. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the history and development of the hospitality industry.
    • Identify key sectors within the hospitality industry.
    • Gain insight into the structure and operations of hospitality businesses.
    Learning Outcomes:
    • Describe the evolution of the hospitality industry.
    • Identify and differentiate between key sectors of hospitality.
    • Understand the operational structure of hospitality businesses.
  • Course Description: Focused on delivering exceptional customer service, this course covers communication skills, problem-solving techniques, and service recovery strategies. Participants will learn to exceed guest expectations. Course Objectives:
    • Develop effective communication skills for customer service.
    • Learn problem-solving techniques to address guest issues.
    • Implement service recovery strategies to ensure customer satisfaction.
    Learning Outcomes:
    • Communicate effectively with guests.
    • Resolve customer complaints and issues.
    • Enhance guest satisfaction through service recovery.
