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  • Course Description: This course explores economic principles and financial practices relevant to transportation systems. Topics include cost-benefit analysis, funding mechanisms, and economic impacts of transportation projects. Course Objectives:
    • Understand economic theories and models related to transportation.
    • Analyze the financial aspects of transportation projects.
    • Evaluate different funding options for transportation infrastructure.
    Course Outcomes:
    • Conduct cost-benefit analyses for transportation projects.
    • Develop financial plans for transportation initiatives.
    • Assess the economic impacts of transportation systems on communities.
  • Course Description: Focused on safety and security management, this course covers risk assessment, safety protocols, and security measures for transportation systems. Course Objectives:
    • Understand safety and security principles in transportation.
    • Develop safety and security management plans.
    • Implement safety and security measures effectively.
    Course Outcomes:
    • Enhance the safety and security of transportation systems.
    • Conduct risk assessments and implement mitigation strategies.
    • Ensure compliance with safety and security regulations.
  • Course Description: This course provides an in-depth look at logistics and supply chain management within the transportation sector. Topics include transportation planning, inventory management, and supply chain optimization. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the principles of transport logistics and supply chain management.
    • Optimize transportation networks for efficiency.
    • Manage inventory and logistics operations effectively.
    Course Outcomes:
    • Design and implement efficient logistics and supply chain strategies.
    • Optimize transportation routes and schedules.
    • Improve overall supply chain performance.
  • Course Description: This course covers the planning and management of transport infrastructure maintenance. Topics include maintenance strategies, budgeting, and performance monitoring. Course Objectives:
    • Understand maintenance planning principles for transport infrastructure.
    • Develop maintenance plans and budgets.
    • Monitor and evaluate maintenance performance.
    Course Outcomes:
    • Implement effective maintenance plans for transport infrastructure.
    • Optimize maintenance budgets and resources.
    • Ensure the longevity and reliability of transportation systems.
  • Course Description: This course focuses on the analysis of transport infrastructure investments. Students will learn to evaluate investment opportunities, conduct financial analyses, and make informed investment decisions. Course Objectives:
    • Understand investment analysis principles in transportation.
    • Evaluate transport infrastructure investment opportunities.
    • Conduct financial analyses for investment decisions.
    Course Outcomes:
    • Analyze and evaluate transport infrastructure investments.
    • Make informed investment decisions based on financial analyses.
    • Optimize the return on investment for transportation projects.
  • Course Description: Focusing on sustainable practices, this course covers planning and implementing transportation systems that minimize environmental impact and promote long-term sustainability. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the principles of sustainable transportation planning.
    • Develop sustainable transportation plans.
    • Promote environmentally friendly transportation solutions.
    Course Outcomes:
    • Implement sustainable transportation initiatives.
    • Evaluate the environmental impact of transportation systems.
    • Advocate for sustainable transportation policies and practices.
  • Course Description: This course covers strategic planning methodologies specific to the transportation sector. Students will learn to develop and implement strategic plans that enhance the efficiency and sustainability of transportation systems. Course Objectives:
    • Grasp the concepts and tools of strategic planning in transportation.
    • Develop comprehensive strategic plans for transportation projects.
    • Implement and monitor strategic plans effectively.
    Course Outcomes:
    • Create strategic plans that address current and future transportation needs.
    • Evaluate strategic planning processes and their outcomes.
    • Demonstrate the ability to adapt plans to changing transportation environments.
  • Course Description: This course covers stakeholder engagement strategies for transport projects. Students will learn to identify, engage, and manage stakeholders effectively. Course Objectives:
    • Understand stakeholder engagement principles.
    • Develop stakeholder engagement plans.
    • Implement effective stakeholder management techniques.
    Course Outcomes:
    • Identify and engage key stakeholders in transport projects.
    • Manage stakeholder relationships and expectations.
    • Ensure successful project outcomes through effective stakeholder engagement
  • Course Description: Students will learn risk management techniques specific to transportation projects. The course covers risk identification, assessment, mitigation, and monitoring. Course Objectives:
    • Identify and assess risks in transportation projects.
    • Develop risk mitigation strategies.
    • Monitor and control risks throughout project lifecycles.
    Course Outcomes:
    • Implement risk management plans in transportation projects.
    • Mitigate potential risks effectively.
    • Ensure project success through proactive risk management.
  • Course Description: Students will examine the legal and regulatory frameworks governing transportation systems. The course covers international, national, and local regulations affecting transportation operations. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the key regulatory frameworks in transportation.
    • Analyze the implications of regulations on transportation systems.
    • Ensure compliance with transportation regulations.
    Course Outcomes:
    • Navigate the regulatory landscape of the transportation sector.
    • Evaluate the impact of regulatory changes on transportation projects.
    • Develop strategies for regulatory compliance.
