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  • Course Description: This course covers the principles and practices of air traffic control (ATC) systems, including communication, navigation, and surveillance. Students will learn about the technology and procedures used to manage air traffic safely and efficiently.  Course Objectives: 
    1. Understand the principles of air traffic control. 
    2. Learn about communication, navigation, and surveillance systems. 
    3. Explore the technology used in ATC operations. 
    4. Develop procedures for managing air traffic. 
    5. Evaluate the impact of ATC on flight safety and efficiency. 
    Course Outcomes: 
    1. Explain the principles and functions of air traffic control. 
    2. Use communication, navigation, and surveillance systems effectively. 
    3. Implement ATC procedures to manage air traffic. 
    4. Assess the impact of ATC technology on flight safety. 
    5. Improve air traffic management through advanced ATC systems. 
  • Course Description: This course focuses on the management of aircraft maintenance, including preventive maintenance, inspections, and repair procedures. Students will learn to ensure the airworthiness and reliability of aircraft.  Course Objectives: 
    1. Understand the principles of aircraft maintenance management. 
    2. Learn about preventive maintenance and inspection techniques. 
    3. Develop maintenance schedules and procedures. 
    4. Implement repair and overhaul strategies. 
    5. Evaluate the impact of maintenance on aircraft performance. 
    Course Outcomes: 
    1. Manage aircraft maintenance operations effectively. 
    2. Implement preventive maintenance and inspection procedures. 
    3. Develop and adhere to maintenance schedules. 
    4. Ensure the airworthiness and reliability of aircraft. 
    5. Assess and improve maintenance management practices. 
  • Course Description: This course covers the management of airline operations, including scheduling, fleet management, and passenger services. Students will learn to optimize airline performance and enhance customer satisfaction.  Course Objectives: 
    1. Understand the principles of airline management. 
    2. Learn about flight scheduling and fleet management. 
    3. Develop strategies for efficient airline operations. 
    4. Enhance passenger services and customer satisfaction. 
    5. Evaluate the impact of management practices on airline performance. 
    Course Outcomes: 
    1. Manage airline operations to ensure efficiency and profitability. 
    2. Optimize flight scheduling and fleet utilization. 
    3. Implement strategies to enhance passenger services. 
    4. Improve customer satisfaction through effective airline management. 
    5. Assess and improve airline performance through management practices. 
  • Course Description: This course focuses on the management and operations of airports, including passenger services, terminal management, and ground operations. Students will learn to optimize airport efficiency and enhance the passenger experience.  Course Objectives: 
    1. Understand the principles of airport management. 
    2. Learn about terminal and passenger services management. 
    3. Explore ground operations and airport logistics. 
    4. Develop strategies to improve airport efficiency. 
    5. Evaluate the impact of management practices on airport performance. 
    Course Outcomes: 
    1. Manage airport operations to enhance efficiency. 
    2. Implement effective terminal and passenger services. 
    3. Optimize ground operations and airport logistics. 
    4. Develop strategies to improve overall airport performance. 
    5. Enhance the passenger experience through effective airport management. 
  • Course Description: This course covers safety and security practices in aviation, including risk management, safety protocols, and emergency response. Students will learn to develop and implement safety management systems.  Course Objectives: 
    1. Understand aviation safety and security regulations. 
    2. Learn about risk management in aviation operations. 
    3. Develop safety protocols and procedures. 
    4. Implement security measures to protect aviation assets. 
    5. Plan and execute emergency response strategies. 
    Course Outcomes: 
    1. Ensure compliance with aviation safety and security regulations. 
    2. Implement effective risk management strategies. 
    3. Develop and enforce safety protocols. 
    4. Enhance security measures for aviation operations. 
    5. Plan and execute comprehensive emergency response strategies. 
  • Course Description: This course introduces the fundamentals of road network planning, covering the principles, methodologies, and tools used to design and plan efficient road networks. Students will learn about traffic demand analysis, road hierarchy, and network connectivity. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of road network planning.
    2. Analyze traffic demand and patterns.
    3. Design road hierarchies for optimal traffic flow.
    4. Use planning tools and software effectively.
    5. Develop comprehensive road network plans.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Apply principles of road network planning in real-world scenarios.
    2. Conduct traffic demand analysis using appropriate methodologies.
    3. Design and implement efficient road hierarchies.
    4. Utilize planning tools to create road network models.
    5. Develop road network plans that meet community needs and safety standards.
  • Course Description: This course provides an introduction to telecommunications, covering the fundamental concepts, technologies, and systems used in the industry. Students will learn about the evolution of telecommunications, basic principles, and current trends. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the basic concepts of telecommunications.
    2. Learn about the evolution and history of telecommunications.
    3. Explore various telecommunications technologies and systems.
    4. Analyze the impact of telecommunications on society and economy.
    5. Study current trends and future directions in telecommunications.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Explain the fundamental concepts of telecommunications.
    2. Describe the historical evolution of telecommunications technologies.
    3. Identify and differentiate between various telecommunications systems.
    4. Assess the impact of telecommunications on society and economy.
    5. Analyze current trends and predict future developments in telecommunications.
  • Course Description: This course explores the role of big data in telecommunications, including data collection, analysis, and application. Students will learn to leverage big data to enhance communication networks and services. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of big data in telecommunications.
    2. Learn about data collection and analysis techniques.
    3. Develop strategies for applying big data in telecommunications.
    4. Implement big data solutions to enhance communication networks.
    5. Evaluate the impact of big data on telecommunications operations.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Explain the principles of big data in telecommunications.
    2. Collect and analyze data using advanced techniques.
    3. Apply big data solutions to enhance communication networks.
    4. Assess the impact of big data on telecommunications operations.
    5. Improve telecommunications services through the application of big data.
  • Course Description: This course explores the design, implementation, and management of broadband networks and services, including DSL, cable, and fiber optic technologies. Students will learn about the principles of broadband communication and the delivery of high-speed internet services. Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of broadband communication.
    2. Learn about different broadband technologies and their applications.
    3. Develop strategies for designing and implementing broadband networks.
    4. Study the delivery and management of high-speed internet services.
    5. Evaluate the impact of broadband networks on communication services.
    Course Outcomes:
    1. Explain the principles of broadband communication.
    2. Identify and apply various broadband technologies.
    3. Design and implement broadband networks effectively.
    4. Manage the delivery of high-speed internet services.
    5. Assess the impact of broadband networks on communication services.
  • Course Description: This course covers budgeting and financial planning for transportation projects and organizations. Topics include financial forecasting, budgeting processes, and financial management. Course Objectives:
    • Understand financial planning principles in transportation.
    • Develop and manage budgets for transport projects.
    • Implement financial management strategies.
    Course Outcomes:
    • Create and manage budgets for transportation initiatives.
    • Ensure financial sustainability of transport projects.
    • Monitor and control financial performance.
