Products 41 - 50 from 112. Products on page
  • Ethics in Education

    Course Description:  This course explores legal and ethical issues that arise in elementary and secondary schools. It helps school leaders think through questions of educational policy and ethics that legal disputes raise but don’t resolve. Topics include liability for student injury, due process, search and seizure, staff appraisal, employment discrimination, church/state conflicts, control over the curriculum, the expression of controversial views, legal and ethical issues related to the financing and adequacy of state school finance plans, and the schools’ authority to make rules governing student and teacher conduct. The course also reviews ethical issues related to equal opportunity, including school desegregation, bilingual education, sexual discrimination and harassment, privacy issues, affirmative action, and the education of exceptional children. This online course covers key concepts, such as ethical decision-making, codes of conduct, ethical reasoning, and accountability. You will learn about different techniques used in determining the best courses of action based on ethical considerations as well as how to apply a deeper understanding of moral principles and values to areas such as resolving disputes and creating effective policies. You will also gain an understanding of how power dynamics in educational institutions can impact behavior and decision-making. Learning Objectives:
    • Understand the difference between ethics and the law
    • Think through questions of educational policy and ethics that legal disputes arise
    • Explore issues in contemporary educational issues
    • Define key terms related to ethics in education
    • Examine moral principles & values
    • Identify biases when making decisions
    • Balance autonomy & obligation
    • Develop strategies for managing complex dilemmas
    • Analyze conflicting perspectives
    • Lead meaningful conversations
    • Utilize effective communication techniques
    • Examine the power dynamics of educational institutions
    • Apply ethical principles from multiple disciplines
  • Interactive activities and learning path. Instant Access to our platform / multimedia content 1 year full access to the purchased courses.
  • Evaluation in the School Program 

    Course Description:  This online course is designed for educators and school leaders who are interested in understanding the fundamentals of program evaluation. This course will guide participants through the process of evaluating programs, from design to implementation and assessment. Participants will learn about various approaches, research methods, and data collection techniques to evaluate a program’s impact and success. The focus of this course is to provide the student with a variety of opportunities to apply data analysis procedures using real or simulated school data sets. The student will be introduced to qualitative and quantitative methods and how these tools can be utilized to evaluate and improve school performance and program improvement. The student will use the following data types: student performance, teacher and community survey, and state and or local reports. The student will be able to analyze the data to facilitate school improvement decision-making and the development of real and simulated school improvement plans. Learning Objectives:
    • Learn how to gather and analyze educational data
    • Distinguish between the qualitative and quantitative methods
    • Understand ethical responsibilities in the evaluation
    • Identify the components of an effective evaluation plan
    • Learn how to collect data related to program goals and objectives
    • Develop skills for analyzing quantitative data using appropriate software tools
    • Analyze qualitative data using appropriate coding frameworks such as thematic analysis or grounded theory methods
    • Understand best practices for surveying students, parents, teachers, and administrators
    • Learn how to write clear and concise reports that present findings in an actionable manner
    • Examine ways of communicating findings effectively with stakeholders such as teachers, administrators, parents, and policymakers
    • Evaluate whether a program is meeting its intended outcomes based on the gathered evidence
    • Understand how to conduct needs assessments within the school district
    • Explore various qualitative and quantitative research methods
  • Faculty and Academic Governance in Higher Education

    Course Description: 

    This course provides an intensive introduction to the organization and governance of colleges and universities. It is designed to familiarize students with the faculty, academic and administrative contexts, and organizational cultures within which they may be employed. Theoretical underpinnings of organizational behavior relating to individuals and groups and organizational theory relating to the organization itself will be studied. 

    Prerequisite: Graduate Program in Education 
    Learning Objectives: 
    • Understand how to determine the curriculum, subject matter, methods of instruction, and other academic standards and processes  
    • Explore rationales to establish the requirements for earning degrees and certificates 
    • Define the primary responsibility for determining the status of colleagues, especially appointment, reappointment, and tenure  
    • Establish procedures for awarding promotions, sabbaticals, research support, and other rewards or perquisites 
    • Examine policies and procedures governing salary structure, pay increases, and fringe benefit programs  
    • Recognize procedures for reviewing the institution's budget; making recommendations on financial issues with implications for the academic program, in the short- and long-term
  • Fundamentals Classroom Course Description: This online course provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of classroom management. Through this course, participants will gain an understanding of the key components of effective classroom management and learn how to create a positive learning environment for students. Participants will also be introduced to strategies for developing routines, fostering classroom community, managing disruptions, and building student relationships. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the key components of effective classroom management
    • Develop strategies for creating a positive learning environment
    • Learn how to establish warm-up routines and seating arrangements
    • Gain an understanding of how to foster classroom community
    • Develop skills for managing disruptions in the classroom
    • Explore ways to build student relationships
    • Learn how to integrate Google into the classroom
    • Understand how to create courses, organize classwork, distribute assessments, and provide feedback using Google tools
    • Identify resources for developing routines and fostering classroom community
    • Analyze videos on fundamentals of classroom assessment principles
  • Geometry

    Course Description: This online course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of geometry. It covers basic principles, including points and lines, angles and triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles and their properties. You will learn about different techniques used in analyzing shapes as well as how to develop a deeper understanding of geometric principles. You will also gain an understanding of how to apply your knowledge of geometry to other areas such as trigonometry, physics, engineering, and architecture. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, videos, and assignments you will develop your knowledge of basic geometric concepts while learning practical skills such as drawing figures based on given criteria, finding missing elements in diagrams using theorems and axioms, constructing proofs, and solving real-world problems involving geometric shapes. This course is ideal for those who are new to studying geometry or are interested in pursuing a path involving more advanced topics in the subject. Course Objectives:
    • Recognize points, lines, and planes
    • Understand the basic principles of angles
    • Analyze various types of triangles
    • Examine characteristics of quadrilaterals
    • Identify properties related to circles
    • Construct figures according to specified conditions
    • Utilize various theorems
    • Construct proofs
    • Solve real-world problems
    • Apply geometric methods for other areas
  • Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the Young Child Course Description: This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to lead healthier lives. The course will cover topics such as nutrition, exercise, mental health, safety in the home, school, and workplace, and more. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of nutrition and how it affects overall health
    • Learn how to create a balanced diet that meets individual needs
    • Identify different types of exercise and their benefits for physical health
    • Develop strategies for managing stress and improving mental health
    • Understand safety protocols in the home and school environment
    • Recognize potential hazards in the home or school environment and take steps to reduce the risk of injury or illness
    • Learn how to recognize signs of illness or injury in oneself or others and take appropriate action if necessary
    • Develop an understanding of first aid techniques for common injuries or illnesses, including CPR certification if applicable to local laws/regulations/standards/guidelines)
    • Understand the importance of regular medical checkups and preventive care measures such as vaccinations when applicable)
    • Understand how lifestyle choices can affect overall health, safety, and well-being over time (e.g., smoking cessation)
  • Health, Safety, and Nutrition Course Description: This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to lead healthier lives. The course will cover topics such as nutrition, exercise, mental health, safety in the home, school, and workplace, and more. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of nutrition and how it affects overall health
    • Learn how to create a balanced diet that meets individual needs
    • Identify different types of exercise and their benefits for physical health
    • Develop strategies for managing stress and improving mental health
    • Understand safety protocols in the home and workplace environment
    • Recognize potential hazards in the home or workplace environment and take steps to reduce the risk of injury or illness
    • Learn how to recognize signs of illness or injury in oneself or others and take appropriate action if necessary
    • Develop an understanding of first aid techniques for common injuries or illnesses, including CPR certification if applicable to local laws/regulations/standards/guidelines)
    • Understand the importance of regular medical checkups and preventive care measures such as vaccinations when applicable)
    • Understand how lifestyle choices can affect overall health, safety, and well-being over time (e.g., smoking cessation)
  • Historical Perspectives Course Description: This online course provides an introduction to historical perspectives. It covers basic principles, including quantitative analysis techniques, data visualization, historical perspectives, and hypothesis testing. You will learn about different techniques used in analyzing complex historical data from various eras as well as how to develop a deeper understanding of the implications of research methods. You will also gain an understanding of how to apply your knowledge of statistical historical methods. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, videos, and assignments you will develop your knowledge of historical perspectives while learning practical skills such as creating time series models, interpreting confidence intervals, developing trend lines, and performing hypothesis tests. This course is ideal for those who are new to studying statistics or are interested in pursuing a path involving more advanced topics in the subject. Course Objectives:
    • Understand key principles of historical perspectives
    • Create time series models
    • Interpret confidence intervals and perspectives
    • Construct trend lines
    • Perform inference tests
    • Analyze complex data from various eras
    • Execute hypothesis tests
    • Develop historical research questions
    • Utilize statistical methods for historical perspectives
    • Apply statistical methodologies to historical methods
  • How Learning Happens

    Course Description:   This course explores and analyzes how the brain, as a social organism, learns best throughout the lifespan, from our early schooling through late life. It helps teachers make connections to neurobiological principles, with the goal of creating classrooms that nurture healthy attachment patterns and resilient psyches. 
    Learning Objectives: 
    • Analyze how secure attachment and supportive relationships are critical for healthy psychological development and the building of social brain networks 
    • Analyze the brain as a social organ of adaptation critical to cognitive development 
    • Identify techniques to succeed with difficult or “unteachable” students 
    • Analyze teaching from the perspectives of social neuroscience and interpersonal neurobiology 
    • Create classrooms that nurture healthy attachment patterns and resilient psyches
