Products 31 - 40 from 112. Products on page
  • Education Around the World

    Course Description: This online course provides an introduction to education policies, practices, and curricula of different countries around the world. It covers basic principles, including comparisons of educational systems and international standards. You will learn about different techniques used in understanding educational disparities as well as how to develop a deeper understanding of educational systems. You will also gain an understanding of how to apply your knowledge of global education issues to other areas such as global citizenship, cultural identity, and education reform. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, videos, and assignments you will develop your knowledge of global education while learning practical skills such as analyzing student achievement data, identifying existing gaps in educational opportunities across the world, and developing best practices for implementing effective educational initiatives. This course is ideal for those who are interested in exploring successful models of teaching and learning around the world or are interested in pursuing a path involving more advanced topics in global education. Course Objectives:
    • Understand key principles of global education
    • Analyze student achievement data
    • Identify existing gaps in educational opportunities
    • Develop best practices for implementing education initiatives
    • Analyze national curricula 6 Compare various educational systems
    • Understand international standards
    • Investigate policies relating to education
    • Evaluate cultural differences
    • Assess strategies for promoting global citizenship
  • Educational Leadership Theory 

    Course Description:  This course is designed to introduce the student to the theories and practices of educational leadership and organizational behaviors in school systems. Students will begin to understand and appreciate the challenges faced by modern school leaders. 
    Learning Objectives: 
    • Compare and contrast different leadership styles listed in the course.  
    • Examine differentiate factors that create an effect leader in the educational setting.  
    • Analyze their personal leadership strengths and weaknesses as a leader 
    • Understand the fundamentals of educational leadership
    • Analyze different leadership styles and determine which is most effective for a given situation
    • Develop strategies for creating a vision and mission statement for your school or organization
    • Learn how to effectively manage staff and resources
    • Gain knowledge on how to create a positive learning environment
    • Explore ways to foster collaboration among staff members
    • Identify strategies for engaging students in learning activities
    • Develop communication skills necessary for successful leadership roles
    • Learn how to evaluate performance and provide feedback to staff members
    • Understand the importance of self-reflection in order to improve as a leader
  • Educational Leadership

    Course Description: This online course is designed to help school leaders explore educational leadership and develop the skills necessary to become successful in their roles. Through critical thinking, participants will gain an understanding of different leadership styles, best practices, and strategies for making meaningful changes in their school or organization. Course Objectives:  
    • Understand the fundamentals of educational leadership
    • Analyze different leadership styles and determine which is most effective for a given situation
    • Develop strategies for creating a vision and mission statement for your school or organization
    • Learn how to effectively manage staff and resources
    • Gain knowledge on how to create a positive learning environment
    • Explore ways to foster collaboration among staff members
    • Identify strategies for engaging students in learning activities
    • Develop communication skills necessary for successful leadership roles
    • Learn how to evaluate performance and provide feedback to staff members
    • Understand the importance of self-reflection in order to improve as a leader
  • Interactive activities and learning path. Instant Access to our platform / multimedia content 1 year full access to the purchased courses.
  • Educational Policy Development
    Course Description:    This course provides an introduction to the field of educational policy development with special emphasis on theoretical and conceptual analyses of the behavior and attitudes of education's stakeholders and the policy performance of educational systems. 
    Learning Objectives: 
    • Have become more familiar with perspectives on policy and governance, more knowledgeable about the evolution of the policies of higher education, and aware of major conflicting social values that form the basis of the policies of American higher education
    • Be able to use alternative conceptual frameworks and theories, i.e., political culture, interest groups, conflict, power and educational reform/change in explaining political behavior in higher educational settings 
    • Know who the key actors and agencies are and what they do to translate demands and resources into policies and decisions affecting American higher education
    • Understand the process by which policies, decisions and actions are made in higher education institutions 
    • Be able to evaluate policy issues
    • Apply what has been learned to work settings and institutional environments
  • Course Description:  

    This course is an introduction to the application of psychology to the problems of education in a variety of educational settings. It examines the theoretical and applied aspects of learning, motivation, human development, personality, and measurement and evaluation  
     Learning Objectives: 
    • Define learning and discuss the major categories of variables associated with learning 
    • Compare and contrast the factors that cognitive, behavioral, and humanistic theorists believe influence the learning process 
    • Identify the major components and techniques of classroom planning, management, and instruction  
    • Identify how these general techniques can be modified to address individual differences  
  • Resource Management in Education 

    Course Description:   This course is designed to provide an examination of the theory and practice of human resource management and public school finance in relation to expenditures and resources at the local, state, and federal levels of support in school districts. It also provides an examination of social issues that impact the school learning environment, to include gender, quality, multicultural education, diversity; and privatization. It provides an in-depth study of the basic principles of money management in public education and how to manage it. There is a focus is on the management of dollars (fiscal), space (building operations), people (human resources), community resources (engagement) and time.   
    Prerequisite: Graduate Program in Education  
    Learning Objectives:   
    • examine the theory and practice of human resource management and public school finance in relation to expenditures and resources  
    • examine social issues that impact the school learning environment  
    • explore the management of space, time, and community resources  
  • Enhancing Language Development Course Description: This course will provide an overview of the language development process in children. It will cover topics such as ways to encourage language development in babies, activities to support speech and language development, and strategies for enhancing language skills. Participants will learn how to create a positive environment that encourages language growth and explore different methods of engaging with children to help them develop their communication skills. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the stages of language development in children from birth to age 8
    • Learn how to create a supportive environment for language development
    • Identify activities that can be used to encourage speech and language development in children
    • Recognize the importance of reading aloud to young children for developing their communication skills
    • Explore strategies for encouraging positive language development through play and everyday interactions with children
    • Develop an understanding of how music can be used as a tool for enhancing language skills in babies and toddlers
    • Learn how to use gestures, facial expressions, and other non-verbal cues when communicating with young children
    • Become familiar with techniques for talking with infants and toddlers from their point of view in order to support their language development
    • Discover ways to use storytelling as a tool for developing baby-talking skills in young children
    • Gain knowledge on how nursery rhymes can be used as a fun way to support early childhood language development
  • Enrollment Management in Higher Education 

    Course Description:    This course will provide a comprehensive overview of principles and practices of strategic process including marketing and recruitment through graduation. Participants will have exposure to contemporary issues and legal problems in enrollment management. 
    Learning Objectives: 
    • learn to set realistic enrollment goals 
    • identify and secure sufficient resources to meet enrollment objectives 
    • understand how to develop an annual marketing and recruitment plan as well as a three-to-five-year strategic enrollment and revenue plan 
    • examine how to build your recruitment database and inquiry pool 
    • understand how to track your marketing and recruitment activities 
  • Ethics and Educational Policy

    Course Description: This course provides an overview of the ethical framework that guides educational policy decisions. Students will learn how to analyze relevant moral issues and apply ethical principles in order to make well-reasoned decisions about educational policies, programs, and practices. Through lectures, readings, discussions, and simulations, students will gain a greater understanding of how ethics plays a role in shaping education systems. Course Objectives:
    • Analyze the various ethical perspectives related to educational policy decisions
    • Understand the different ways that ethical principles shape educational policies
    • Examine the relationship between professional and public responsibility for schooling
    • Explore the implications of rights-based approaches for education policies
    • Evaluate current research on morality and education decision making
    • Learn how to use ethical reasoning when developing new ideas for educational policies
    • Discover potential solutions for dealing with conflicts between individual rights and social needs in education contexts
    • Examine case studies illustrating the impact of ethical considerations on educational policy decisions
    • Analyze potential strategies for promoting social justice through educational policy initiatives
    • Develop skills for leading collaborative discussions about controversial topics related to ethics in education
