Products 21 - 30 from 112. Products on page
  • Issues in School Administration and Supervision 
    Course Description:    This course will assist students to create and maintain a successful learning organization, educational leaders must act with a reasoned understanding of major historical, philosophical, ethical, social and economic influences affecting education. This course provides students the opportunity to explore an array of education leadership issues and trends, closely examine an issue of their choosing using existing qualitative and quantitative data, and develop an action research project to address the identified problem(s), outlining possible actions and their implications. Important foundations for this exploration are:  
    Learning Objectives: 
    • Examine interactive internal systems operating within external systems  
    • Understand the importance of efficient and effective communication skills and networks  
    • Identify the necessity of positive/supportive school climate  
    • Recognize the need to frame, analyze, and resolve problems  
    • Explore the impact of current educational and social movements  
  • Leadership and Team Dynamics 

    Course Description: This course focuses on team building, teamwork, and team leading draws information from a wide variety of disciplines to introduce students to the ever important topic of teaming.  
    Learning Objectives:   
    • Recognize when to use different types of teams  
    • Identify descriptions of the classic phases of team development  
    • Recognize basic team-building activities  
    • Distinguish among typical team roles in a scenario  
    • Recognize techniques for handling group dynamics  
    • Recognize methods used to evaluate teams  
    • Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards  
  • Educational Leadership Theory 

    Course Description:  This course is designed to introduce the student to the theories and practices of educational leadership and organizational behaviors in school systems. Students will begin to understand and appreciate the challenges faced by modern school leaders. 
    Learning Objectives: 
    • Compare and contrast different leadership styles listed in the course.  
    • Examine differentiate factors that create an effect leader in the educational setting.  
    • Analyze their personal leadership strengths and weaknesses as a leader 
    • Understand the fundamentals of educational leadership
    • Analyze different leadership styles and determine which is most effective for a given situation
    • Develop strategies for creating a vision and mission statement for your school or organization
    • Learn how to effectively manage staff and resources
    • Gain knowledge on how to create a positive learning environment
    • Explore ways to foster collaboration among staff members
    • Identify strategies for engaging students in learning activities
    • Develop communication skills necessary for successful leadership roles
    • Learn how to evaluate performance and provide feedback to staff members
    • Understand the importance of self-reflection in order to improve as a leader
  • Strategic Planning in Education 

    Course Description:    This course will provide an examination of planning processes used by leaders to direct educational change and improvement.  Includes strategic planning approaches designed to address macro and micro goals of organization. The course content provides the student with the historical and operational perspectives of planning in modern organizations.  Focus is on the development of planning, implementation, and leadership skills needed to direct strategic decision-making within educational settings.  
    Learning Objectives: 
    • Gain knowledge and understanding of the planning functions as related to educational settings  
    • Obtain a working understanding of various planning models
    • Understand the role of planning in relationship to other administrative responsibilities 
    • Analyze planning models and activities utilizing a case study method
    • Obtain a working knowledge of tools, technologies, and data sources useful for educational planners  
    • Obtain a broad understanding of planning skills needed by successful educational leaders 
    • Gain knowledge of procedures used for technology, facility, fiscal, and school improvement planning    
    • Develop leadership skills needed to direct strategic improvement of schools
  • Leading Diverse Schools 

    Course Description:   This course is designed to study multicultural education and its link to school leadership, cultural understanding, and critical problems related to the organization of schools through the lens of human behavior. A focus is on the preparation of administrators to transform schools by understanding theoretical, sociological, political, and historical elements as they relate to ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, gender, exceptionality, language, religion, and sexual orientation. In preparation for work in an increasingly diverse world, students in this course will engage in personal, professional, and organizational reflection.  
    Learning Objectives: 
    • Identify the challenges that school administrators face in ethnically diverse contexts 
    • Understand how and why principals do or do not promote inclusive practices in their schools   
    • Learn to develop and implement an educational diversity policy  
  • Administration of School Personnel
    Course Description:    This course provides an overview of the myriad of duties and responsibilities of the office of human resources. Through individual assignments and small/large group experiences, candidates gain the knowledge, skills, and attributes involved in leading both professional and non-professional staff. Specific case studies are presented, guest speakers are invited to present, and specific theories and philosophies are studied. Matters having to do with leadership and organization of school personnel will be addressed. Exploration of topics such as recruitment and selection; induction; professional development; supervision and evaluation; discipline and dismissal; the work environment; compensation and benefits; administering employee contracts; and legal issues in personnel management will be included. 
    Learning Objectives: 
    • Explore the evolution of education administration and its future as an academic discipline and a profession 
    • Differentiate among the various functions that public managers perform 
    • Examine the political, socio-economic, cultural, and diversity issues involved in major debates of education administration 
    • Explain the roles of education administrators as public managers and policy makers
    • Explain the interaction of administrative and political processes in education administration 
    • Examine the importance of ethical standards and behavior of education managers 
  • Leading Change in Educational Organizations 

    Course Description:   This course is designed to analyze the fundamental behavioral concepts and process of organizations. The complex process of organizational change and how it can be managed through a collection of techniques. Issues such as forces related to creating the need for organizational change in human resource and educational organizations will be examined.  
    Learning Objectives:  
    • Explain the change process as an integral part of the organization and administration of a school system  
    • Describe the knowledge, skills, and attributes necessary to function as a successful change agent in an educational institution  
    • Identify the various cultural, social, political, legal, and ethical issues that impact the change process in education
    • Analyze the dynamics of the various roles played by the relevant publics in affecting change within educational organizations 
    • Explain the roles strategic design and strategic planning play in the change process
    • Identify and apply those leadership skills necessary for planning, implementing, and leading future-focused change efforts in educational organizations
  • Communications in Educational Leadership

    Course Description:   This course provides an understanding for teachers in developing knowledge and skills for communications. Behaviors such as face-to-face communications, style of communication and group factors which effect communication are covered. 
    Learning Objectives:
    • Understand how communications work  
    • Gain active listening and responding skills  
    • Seeing things from other points of view  
    • Analyzing the communication of  body language  
    • Learning strategies to deal with difficult people or situations 
  • Interactive activities and learning path. Instant Access to our platform / multimedia content 1 year full access to the purchased courses.
  • Description:   This course is designed to provide an interactive, collaborative environment that fosters development of technology leaders with skill in the design and implementation of emerging technologies in the educational environment.   
    Prerequisite: Graduate Program in Education  
    Learning Objectives: Students will  
    • gain and understanding of comprehensive integration of technology  
    • identify and analyze curricular design, instructional strategies, and learning environments integrate appropriate technologies to maximize learning and teaching.  
    • learn to apply technology to enhance their professional practice and to increase their own productivity and that of others  
    • recognize the integration of technology to support productive systems for learning and administration.  
    • use technology to plan and implement comprehensive systems of effective assessment and evaluation.  
    • understand the social, legal, and ethical issues related to technology and model responsible decision-making related to these issues.  
