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  • Course Description:

    This online course provides an overview of Governance for Non-Profit Organizations. It covers topics including the legal framework and bylaws governing non-profits, board governance strategies and best practices, director responsibilities, fiduciary obligations, fundraising principles, and strategies to sustain operations.
  • Fiscal Management for Non-profit Organizations Syllabus

    Course Description: This online course provides an overview of Fiscal Management for Non-profit Organizations. Through lectures, discussions, and real-world application activities, students will gain a deep knowledge of the basics of nonprofit financial management. By the end of this course, participants should be able to: Learning objectives:
    • Principles and practices related to non-profit fiscal management
    • Importance of good financial decision-making in the context of a non-profit organization
    • Cash flow forecasts and balanced budgets as part of sound fiscal operations
    • Understanding of budgeting for grants or other sources at various levels
    • Financial policies and procedures regarding grant awards or contributions from donors
    • Ethical considerations related to fundraising within non-profits
  • Course Description: In this online course participants will gain perspectives on financial management and governance of non-profit organizations. Learning Objective: Students will be able to:
    • gain an understanding of the unique nature of the nonprofit fiscal management.
    • develop an understanding of financial management techniques for enhancing the effectiveness of nonprofit organizations;
    • understand board governance and the its role in financial management;
    • prepare essential financial statements
    • develop analytic, critical, and expressive abilities;
  • Course Description: 

    This course is designed to provide an introduction to Accounting for non-profit organizations. It will provide a comprehensive overview of the essential financial concepts, practices, and regulations applicable to the accounting of nonprofits, as well as covering topics such as budgeting, funding sources, and fundraising operations. The goal is to introduce students to the basics of nonprofit accounting while also providing them with valuable real-world experience.
