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  • Course Description  This course covers the basics of retail display techniques, including layout, visual merchandising, and customer attraction.  Course Objectives 
    • Understand the basics of retail display. 
    • Learn effective layout techniques. 
    • Develop visual merchandising skills. 
    • Emphasize customer attraction methods. 
    • Prepare students for roles in retail display. 
    Course Outcomes 
    1. Explain the basics of retail display. 
    2. Apply effective layout techniques. 
    3. Use visual merchandising skills. 
    4. Attract customers through display techniques. 
    5. Prepare for roles in retail display. 
  • Course Description  This course covers the basics of auto detailing, including cleaning, polishing, and interior care.  Course Objectives 
    • Understand the basics of auto detailing. 
    • Learn cleaning techniques for vehicles. 
    • Develop polishing skills. 
    • Emphasize interior care. 
    • Prepare students for roles in auto detailing. 
    Course Outcomes 
    1. Explain the basics of auto detailing. 
    2. Perform cleaning techniques for vehicles. 
    3. Apply polishing techniques. 
    4. Care for vehicle interiors. 
    5. Prepare for roles in auto detailing. 
  • Course Description  This course covers the basics of carpet and floor care, including cleaning, maintenance, and safety protocols.  Course Objectives 
    • Understand the basics of carpet and floor care. 
    • Learn cleaning techniques for carpets and floors. 
    • Develop maintenance skills. 
    • Emphasize safety in carpet and floor care. 
    • Prepare students for roles in carpet and floor care. 
    Course Outcomes 
    1. Explain the basics of carpet and floor care. 
    2. Perform cleaning techniques for carpets and floors. 
    3. Maintain carpets and floors effectively. 
    4. Apply safety protocols in carpet and floor care. 
    5. Prepare for roles in carpet and floor care. 
  • Course Description This course covers the basics of bakery and pastry making, including dough preparation, baking techniques, and decoration. Course Objectives
    • Understand the basics of bakery and pastry making.
    • Learn dough preparation techniques.
    • Develop baking skills.
    • Emphasize decoration and presentation.
    • Prepare students for roles in bakery and pastry making.
    Course Outcomes
    1. Explain the basics of bakery and pastry making.
    2. Prepare dough effectively.
    3. Apply baking techniques.
    4. Decorate and present baked goods attractively.
    5. Prepare for roles in bakery and pastry making.
  • Course Description This course introduces the basics of grounds maintenance, including lawn care, landscaping, and equipment usage. Course Objectives
    • Understand the basics of grounds maintenance.
    • Learn lawn care techniques.
    • Develop landscaping skills.
    • Emphasize equipment usage and safety.
    • Prepare students for roles in grounds maintenance.
    Course Outcomes
    1. Explain the basics of grounds maintenance.
    2. Perform lawn care techniques.
    3. Apply landscaping skills.
    4. Use maintenance equipment properly.
    5. Prepare for roles in grounds maintenance.
  • Course Description  This course introduces the basics of farm machinery operation, including safety, maintenance, and efficient use.  Course Objectives 
    • Understand the basics of farm machinery operation. 
    • Learn safety protocols for machinery use. 
    • Develop maintenance skills. 
    • Emphasize efficient machinery operation. 
    • Prepare students for roles in farm machinery operation. 
    Course Outcomes 
    1. Explain the basics of farm machinery operation. 
    2. Apply safety protocols in machinery use. 
    3. Maintain farm machinery properly. 
    4. Operate farm machinery efficiently. 
    5. Prepare for roles in farm machinery operation. 
    • Learn cleaning techniques.
    • Develop organizational skills.
    • Emphasize safety in housekeeping.
    • Prepare students for roles in housekeeping.
    Course Outcomes
    1. Explain the basics of housekeeping.
    2. Perform cleaning techniques efficiently.
    3. Organize housekeeping tasks.
    4. Apply safety protocols in housekeeping.
    5. Prepare for roles in housekeeping.
  • Course Description This course covers essential customer service skills, including communication, problem-solving, and customer interaction. Course Objectives
    • Understand the basics of customer service.
    • Learn effective communication techniques.
    • Develop problem-solving skills.
    • Emphasize positive customer interaction.
    • Prepare students for roles in customer service.
    Course Outcomes
    1. Explain the basics of customer service.
    2. Communicate effectively with customers.
    3. Solve customer problems efficiently.
    4. Interact positively with customers.
    5. Prepare for roles in customer service.
  • Course Description  This course introduces the basics of pest control, including identification, treatment methods, and safety protocols.  Course Objectives 
    • Understand the basics of pest control. 
    • Learn pest identification techniques. 
    • Develop treatment skills. 
    • Emphasize safety in pest control. 
    • Prepare students for roles in pest control. 
    Course Outcomes 
    1. Explain the basics of pest control. 
    2. Identify pests accurately. 
    3. Apply treatment methods effectively. 
    4. Apply safety protocols in pest control. 
    5. Prepare for roles in pest control. 
  • Course Description This course introduces basic food preparation techniques, including chopping, cooking methods, and presentation. Course Objectives
    • Understand the basics of food preparation.
    • Learn chopping and cutting techniques.
    • Develop cooking skills.
    • Emphasize food presentation.
    • Prepare students for roles in food preparation.
    Course Outcomes
    1. Explain the basics of food preparation.
    2. Perform chopping and cutting techniques.
    3. Apply various cooking methods.
    4. Present food attractively.
    5. Prepare for roles in food preparation.