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  • Course Description: 

    This course will explore the theory that life is balanced by opposition, such as gravity and centrifugal force, activity and rest, and yin and yang. Students in the course will analyze ancient and contemporary representations of the Theory of Opposition. Course Objectives:
    • explore the theory that things cannot exist without its’ opposite
    • understand the principle of seeing two opposite sides to things
    • learn the theory of finding balance in opposition
  • Course Description:

    This course will provide participants with an understanding of how to effectively manage their time. Topics covered include setting goals, planning and organizing tasks, prioritizing activities, managing distractions, and leveraging technology to enhance productivity. Participants will gain an understanding of how to use these concepts to become more productive and efficient with their time. Course Objectives:
    • Identify factors that lead to better time management
    • Utilize techniques for setting achievable goals
    • Develop strategies for planning and organizing tasks
    • Prioritize activities based on importance and urgency
    • Identify methods for dealing with distractions
    • Leverage technology to improve productivity
    • Analyze different approaches to managing time
    • Develop a plan for self-improvement in regard to time management
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the principles related to managing time through written assignments and class discussions
    • Implement measures for continual improvement in personal productivity
  • Course Description:

    This course provides an overview of the principles of effective verbal and non-verbal communication and how to use them to achieve desired outcomes. Students will learn about verbal protocols, body language, and other topics related to successful communication. At the end of this course, students will be able to express thoughts clearly, explain ideas using appropriate language, listen effectively, identify different types of non-verbal cues accurately, and make sense of ambiguous messages for successful interactions. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of verbal and non-verbal communication
    • Explore principles of effective expression
    • Analyze methods for meaningful listening
    • Utilize strategies for differentiating between verbal cues
    • Comprehend different techniques for interpreting non-verbal cues accurately
    • Evaluate approaches to recognizing ambiguity
    • Create custom plans for addressing challenging conversations
    • Develop strategies for adjusting communication style
    • Design custom solutions based on program needs
    • Implement techniques for long-term planning
  • Course Description:

    This course provides an overview of proper work behavior and etiquette. Students will learn about techniques for creating a positive work environment, strategies for building relationships with coworkers, and other topics related to professional development. At the end of this course, students will be able to assess situations objectively, create innovative solutions for resolving conflicts, and implement strategies for promoting professionalism in the workplace. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of appropriate work behavior
    • Explore principles of respect and courtesy
    • Analyze methods for setting boundaries
    • Utilize strategies for addressing issues promptly
    • Comprehend different techniques for fostering collaboration
    • Evaluate approaches to effective communication
    • Create custom plans for problem-solving
    • Develop strategies for staying organized
    • Design custom solutions based on program needs
    • Implement techniques for successful outcomes
