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  • Course Description: This course explores advanced culinary techniques used in professional kitchens, including modernist cuisine, molecular gastronomy, sous vide cooking, and innovative plating and presentation styles. Course Objectives:
    • To introduce advanced culinary techniques.
    • To understand the science behind modernist cuisine and molecular gastronomy.
    • To learn sous vide cooking methods.
    • To enhance skills in plating and presentation.
    Learning Outcomes:
    • Demonstrate knowledge of modernist cuisine techniques.
    • Apply molecular gastronomy methods in culinary practice.
    • Execute sous vide cooking procedures.
    • Create aesthetically pleasing and innovative dish presentations.
  • Course Description: This course covers advanced topics in hospitality marketing, including digital marketing, customer relationship marketing, and marketing analytics. Course Objectives:
    • To understand current trends in hospitality marketing.
    • To develop advanced digital marketing strategies.
    • To enhance customer relationship marketing efforts.
    • To analyze marketing data for strategic insights.
    Learning Outcomes:
    • Identify and explain current trends in hospitality marketing.
    • Create and implement advanced digital marketing strategies.
    • Strengthen customer relationships through marketing efforts.
    • Use marketing analytics to drive decision-making.
  • Course Description: This course explores the management of bar and beverage operations, including inventory control, drink preparation, customer service, and cost management. Participants will gain skills in running successful bar operations. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the principles of bar and beverage management.
    • Develop effective inventory control and cost management strategies.
    • Enhance drink preparation and customer service techniques.
    Learning Outcomes:
    • Apply bar and beverage management principles in hospitality settings.
    • Develop and implement inventory control and cost management strategies.
    • Enhance drink preparation and customer service techniques.
  • Course Description: This course covers the essentials of catering management, including menu planning, event coordination, food presentation, and service techniques. Participants will learn to manage catering operations. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the principles of catering management.
    • Develop effective menu planning and event coordination strategies.
    • Implement food presentation and service techniques.
    Learning Outcomes:
    • Apply catering management principles in hospitality settings.
    • Develop and implement menu planning and event coordination strategies.
    • Enhance food presentation and service techniques.
  • Course Description: The online Culinary Arts Course explores the fundamentals of food preparation and cooking techniques. This course provides an introduction to the principles of nutrition, safety, sanitation, and organization for professional cookery. Students will gain knowledge on a variety of ingredients used in traditional recipes from around the world as well as how to properly use them when creating dishes. Course Objectives: 1) Understand the basics of food science, including flavor combinations, texture modifications, and plate presentation; 2) Learn safe handling practices and kitchen safety protocols; 3) Manage time effectively while preparing multiple dishes; 4) Recognize common methods of food preservation; 5) Selection of appropriate tools required for tasks completed in a commercial setting; 6) Create both classical and modern dishes that reflect global cuisines; 7) Plan balanced meals based on nutritional needs or dietary restrictions.
  • Course Description: Focused on delivering exceptional customer service, this course covers communication skills, problem-solving techniques, and service recovery strategies. Participants will learn to exceed guest expectations. Course Objectives:
    • Develop effective communication skills for customer service.
    • Learn problem-solving techniques to address guest issues.
    • Implement service recovery strategies to ensure customer satisfaction.
    Learning Outcomes:
    • Communicate effectively with guests.
    • Resolve customer complaints and issues.
    • Enhance guest satisfaction through service recovery.
  • Course Description: Focused on delivering exceptional customer service, this course covers communication skills, problem-solving techniques, and service recovery strategies. Participants will learn to exceed guest expectations. Course Objectives:
    • Develop effective communication skills for customer service.
    • Learn problem-solving techniques to address guest issues.
    • Implement service recovery strategies to ensure customer satisfaction.
    Learning Outcomes:
    • Communicate effectively with guests.
    • Resolve customer complaints and issues.
    • Enhance guest satisfaction through service recovery.
  • Course Description: This course provides an in-depth understanding of destination management, focusing on the strategies and tools used to attract and manage visitors. Emphasis is placed on sustainable practices, marketing, and crisis management. Course Objectives:
    • To understand the role of destination management in the hospitality industry.
    • To learn effective marketing strategies for destinations.
    • To explore sustainable tourism practices.
    • To develop crisis management plans for tourism destinations.
    Learning Outcomes:
    • Explain the principles of destination management.
    • Apply marketing strategies to promote destinations.
    • Implement sustainable tourism practices.
    • Develop and evaluate crisis management plans.
  • Course Description: This course introduces the various digital tools and technologies that enhance operations in the hospitality industry. Topics include property management systems, online booking systems, and customer relationship management. Course Objectives:
    • To understand the importance of digital tools in hospitality.
    • To learn about different types of digital tools and their applications.
    • To develop skills in using property management and booking systems.
    • To manage customer relationships effectively using digital tools.
    Learning Outcomes:
    • Identify and describe various digital tools used in hospitality.
    • Operate property management and online booking systems.
    • Implement CRM strategies in hospitality.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of digital tools in enhancing operations.
  • Course Description: This course covers the fundamentals of event planning, including event design, budgeting, vendor management, and logistics. Participants will learn to plan and execute successful events. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of event planning and management.
    • Develop effective event design and budgeting strategies.
    • Implement vendor management and logistics plans.
    Learning Outcomes:
    • Plan and manage events effectively.
    • Develop and implement event design and budgeting strategies.
    • Manage vendors and logistics efficiently.
