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  • Marketing Management Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to manage marketing activities in an organization. Students will learn about marketing information systems and research, the marketing mix, customer segmentation, pricing strategies, product positioning, and more. By the end of this course, students will be able to develop effective marketing plans and strategies that can be used to increase sales and profits. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the fundamentals of marketing management
    • Develop an understanding of market research methods
    • Learn how to identify customer segments and target markets
    • Analyze pricing strategies for different products or services
    • Understand the importance of product positioning in a competitive market
    • Create effective promotional campaigns for different products or services
    • Develop an understanding of digital marketing techniques such as SEO, PPC, and social media advertising
    • Learn how to measure the success of a marketing campaign using analytics tools such as Google Analytics
    • Understand how to create effective content for digital channels such as websites, blogs, and social media platforms
    • Develop an understanding of global marketing trends and best practices
  • Marketing International Course Description: Marketing International is an advanced online course that covers the fundamental principles of marketing strategies and tactics on a global scale. This course will give you a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities involved in marketing across different countries and cultures. You will learn how to develop effective marketing campaigns that resonate with international audiences and build strategies that can drive successful growth in global markets. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, and assignments, you will acquire the knowledge and skills required to design and implement international marketing campaigns. This course is ideal for professionals and students who are interested in pursuing careers in marketing, advertising, or international business, or anyone seeking to expand their knowledge and expertise in global marketing. Course Objectives:  
    • Understand the fundamental principles of international marketing and its relevance to global business operations
    • Analyze the cultural, political, and economic factors affecting international marketing and the impact of globalization and digitalization
    • Develop an understanding of the differences in legal and ethical frameworks for international marketing
    • Develop customer insight strategies that enhance brand image and marketing success
    • Understand the importance of localization for international marketing campaigns
    • Develop a comprehensive understanding of pricing policies, distribution channels, communication, and product development strategies
    • Develop skills in effective segmentation, targeting, and positioning of products and services in global markets.
    • Understand the role of research methods in international marketing and use statistical data to inform decision making
    • Analyze the effect of emerging technologies and their impact on international marketing
    • Apply marketing theory and principles to real-world problems and evaluate the effectiveness of international marketing strategies
  • Marketing business-to-business Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This course provides an overview of the fundamentals of business-to-business (B2B) marketing. It will cover topics such as understanding B2B markets, developing effective strategies and tactics, and leveraging digital tools for success. By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to create successful B2B marketing campaigns. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the definition and purpose of B2B marketing
    • Identify key characteristics of B2B markets
    • Learn how to develop effective strategies and tactics for B2B marketing
    • Explore the use of digital tools in B2B marketing
    • Analyze different types of customer segments in a B2B market
    • Develop an understanding of pricing strategies for B2B markets
    • Understand the importance of building relationships in a B2B context
    • Learn how to measure and evaluate the success of a B2B campaign
    • Create an effective content strategy for a B2B market
    • Utilize data analysis techniques to inform decision-making in a B2B setting
  • Managing the Employment Process Course Syllabus

    Course Description: Are you looking to learn how to manage the recruitment process? This online course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully recruit, hire, and onboard new employees. Through this course, you will gain an understanding of best practices for recruitment and selection, as well as strategies for onboarding new hires. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the fundamentals of recruitment and selection processes
    • Learn how to create a job description that accurately reflects the role
    • Develop effective interviewing techniques for recruiting top talent
    • Create a plan for onboarding new employees
    • Learn how to use technology in the recruitment process
    • Identify strategies for creating a diverse workforce
    • Understand best practices for managing remote employees and teams
    • Analyze data related to employee retention and productivity metrics
    • Utilize tools and resources available to support recruitment efforts
    • Develop an action plan for managing the employment process effectively and efficiently
  • Managing Change in Organizations Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This online course provides an overview of the fundamentals of change management and how to effectively manage change in organizations. It covers topics such as the stages of change, the importance of communication and stakeholder engagement, and strategies for successful implementation. Through this course, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to successfully implement and manage organizational change. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the different stages of organizational change
    • Learn how to identify stakeholders and their roles in managing change
    • Develop effective communication strategies for engaging stakeholders during times of transition
    • Explore techniques for assessing the impact of proposed changes on employees and other stakeholders
    • Examine best practices for implementing organizational changes
    • Analyze case studies to understand how successful organizations have managed transitions
    • Identify potential risks associated with implementing changes in an organization
    • Develop strategies for mitigating risks associated with organizational changes
    • Understand the importance of monitoring progress during times of transition
    • Gain insight into how to evaluate success after implementing changes in an organization
  • Course Description:  This course examines the principles, techniques, and uses of accounting in the planning and control of business organizations from a management perspective. Identified are the budgetary process and related performance evaluation techniques, cost-volume-profit relationship, product costing methods, Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing, and Activity Based Costing (ABC). Related theory and application will also be reviewed. 
    Course Objectives:  
    • How managers use and analyze managerial accounting information to make decisions  
    • How to prepare an operating budget and understand where and how to acquire the necessary information 
    • Time value of money analysis using discounted cash flow technique  
    • Interpret and explain the difference between net present value, internal rate of return and payback
    • Analyze a capital budget request  
  • Course Description:  This course introduces students to the steps necessary to analyze a problem in information technology and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution, with a focus on how to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs. Students learn to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations, and society. This course leads students to recognize the need for continuing professional development and imparts an understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues, and responsibilities in information technology.  
    Course Objectives: 
    • The fundamental connections linking core business strategy, technology, and innovation 
    • How these functions intertwine to play a central role in process layout, systems, structural design, and product development, as well as supporting an organization's overall success 
    • About the latest trends and research 
    • About assessment methods for organization and management processes
    • About special tools and techniques for managing and organizing Technology and Innovation 
  • Course Description: This course will provide an analysis of the economy as a whole including measurement and determination of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, national income, inflation, and unemployment. Learners will explore fundamental economic ideas and the operation of the economy on a national scale. Production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, the exchange process, the role of government, the national income and its distribution, GDP, consumption function, savings function, investment spending, the multiplier principle, and the influence of government spending on income and output. This course takes both a short and long-term view of the economy and aims to help learners understand how modern macroeconomics applies to business cycles, economic growth, unemployment, and money. The course evaluates the scope for policy interventions to improve macroeconomic performance. Course Objectives:
    • Become familiar with the range of perspectives and approaches found in macroeconomics
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the basic analytical concepts that are essential for understanding the global macroeconomy
    • Define and measure national income and rates of unemployment and inflation
    • Identify the phases of the business cycle and the problems caused by cyclical fluctuations in the market economy
    • Define money and the money supply
    • Construct the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model of the macroeconomy and use it to illustrate macroeconomic problems and potential monetary and fiscal policy solutions
    • Explain the mechanics and institutions of international trade and their impact on the macroeconomy
    • Define economic growth and identify sources of economic growth
  • Course Description:  In this course, students learn about the complex responsibilities facing business leaders today. Through cases about difficult managerial decisions, the course examines the legal, ethical, and economic responsibilities of corporate leaders. The course teaches students about management and governance systems leaders can use to promote responsible conduct by companies and their employees, and shows how personal values can play a critical role in effective leadership. 
    Course Objectives: 
    • Understand role-related responsibilities  
    • Learn how to incorporate these responsibilities into the decision making process 
    • Learn how to build organizations that can make good on these responsibilities 
    • Develop the personal strength and resources needed to recognize and carry out these responsibilities in ambiguous, stressful, and fast-changing situations
  • Course Description:  This course discusses how middle and senior-level managers/leaders can develop enhanced leadership competencies that promote building of high performing teams, developing successful organizational change strategies and enhancing organizational competitive advantage. 
    Course Objectives: 
    • Appreciate the conceptual and interpersonal competencies and skills needed to transition to middle and senior level leadership/management positions 
    • Apply the conceptual and interpersonal skills and competencies required of middle/senior level leaders/managers to specific organizational challenges, including organizational change 
    • Analyze various leadership scenarios and devise appropriate leader responses to situations participants commonly encounter in their organization 
    • Apply appropriate leadership skills to build a high performing team 
    • Analyze individual assessment results and identify specific actions to address any leader development gaps 
