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  • Course Description: This course is designed for anyone with a high school diploma or GED seeking fundamental math skills which can be applied for moving into management positions with any company. Course topics can be applied to managing personnel, construction and home repairs, and developing and understanding basic bookkeeping financial statements. Math is an important part of managing business. Get to know some commonly used fractions and their decimal equivalents, area and perimeter formulas, angle measurements, and financial formulas — including understanding interest rates and common financial acronyms — to help with your business tasks. Course Objectives:
    • Demonstrate an understanding of business terms, forms, tasks through the application of business mathematics
    • Solve problems relating to personal finance
    • Demonstrate math skills used in personnel management, purchasing, and sales
    • Demonstrate mathematical processes involved in bookkeeping
    • Increase skill in estimating and evaluating answers
    • Develop speed and accuracy in the performance of fundamental mathematics processes
  • Course Description: This course will define the structure of business models; identify basic business model archetypes; and compare profitability, efficiency, and market value. 
    Course Objectives:  
    • Identify and analyze several different business models
    • Analyze the business models of competitors
    • Understand the economics underlying common business models
    • Understand the dynamics that propels a business model to success
    • Build a business model for your own innovation
  • Course Description: This course will walk students through the process of writing a business plan. Students will the critical details of a business plan, especially for presentation for a loan or an investor. At the end of this course, will have sufficient skills to make a we well-designed informative business plan Course Objectives: 
    • describe the parts of a business plan
    • analyze how a business plan helps companies make decisions with the future in mind
    • develop Mission Statement and Vision Statement
    • develop goals and objectives
    • select a product and/or service for the business
    • analyze the business context and risks of products and/or services
    • develop a marketing plan
    • identify resource requirements and building capabilities
    • develop strategies for achieving / sustaining competitive advantage
    • develop an Operational Plan
    • develop Client Account Management procedures
    • prepare a budget for the first year of operation, by months, and indicating the break-even point
    • be able to write an Executive Summary to leave with loan officers or investors
    • estimating the economic viability of their business
  • Business Writing Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This course will teach you how to apply the top ten principles of good business writing to your work, how to deploy simple tools to dramatically improve your written communication, and how to write effectively in a variety of business contexts. You will learn grammar training, including punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure, as well as business writing training such as email etiquette and persuasive writing. Through the use of realistic business models, students will learn how to express their ideas clearly and concisely. This course is designed for those who want to become better communicators in the workplace. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the fundamentals of effective business writing
    • Learn grammar rules and conventions
    • Develop an understanding of persuasive writing techniques
    • Compose emails that are clear and concise
    • Use appropriate language for different audiences
    • Create documents that are organized and easy to read
    • Utilize visuals such as charts or graphs when necessary
    • Proofread documents for accuracy and clarity
    • Identify common mistakes in business writing
    • Apply best practices for professional communication
  • Course Description: This course is designed to help students develop the skills for formulating strategy. It provides an understanding of:  
    • A firm's operative environment and how to sustain competitive advantage.  
    • How to generate superior value for customers by designing the optimum configuration of the product mix and functional activities.  
    • How to balance the opportunities and risks associated with dynamic and uncertain changes in industry attractiveness and competitive position.  
    • Particular attention is paid to competitive positioning; understanding comparative costs; and addressing issues such as cannibalization, network externalities, and globalization.   
    Course Objectives: 
    • Develop a mastery of a body of analytical tools and the ability to take an integrative point of view.  
    • Use these tools to perform in-depth analyses of industries and competitors, predict competitive behavior, and analyze how firms develop and sustain competitive advantage over time.  
  • Course Description: This course covers a broad spectrum of issues in both the traditional functional areas such as finance, marketing, strategy and human resource management, logistics and transportation, and information technology, as well as cross-functional projects investigating, for example, the impact of leading edge information technology on business processes and client relationships in electronic commerce and supply chain management. 
    Course Objectives:  
    • understand the basic principles of project consulting 
    • learn about Professional Standards and Best Practices in project consulting 
    • work on strategic consulting projects that feature global marketing challenges (e.g., market entry decisions, consumer research, distribution channel analysis and other marketing strategy issues)  
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It will cover topics such as sustainability, ethical business practices, corporate governance, and stakeholder engagement. Participants will gain an understanding of the different approaches to CSR, how they can be implemented in organizations and their impact on society. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its importance in today’s business environment
    • Learn about the different approaches to CSR and their implications for businesses
    • Explore how CSR creates shared value for firms, employees, and society
    • Develop an understanding of sustainability and ethical business practices
    • Analyze the role of corporate governance in implementing CSR initiatives
    • Examine the impact of stakeholder engagement on CSR activities
    • Gain insight into the challenges associated with implementing CSR strategies in organizations
    • Understand how to measure the success of CSR initiatives in organizations
    • Learn best practices for communicating CSR efforts to stakeholders effectively
    • Develop skills for creating successful CSR strategies that benefit all stakeholders involved
  • Digital Marketing & Social Networks & The Google Advantage Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This online course will provide an overview of digital marketing, social networks, and the advantages of using Google. It will cover topics such as the benefits of social media marketing, best practices for Google+, and the advantages and disadvantages of both social media ads and Google Ads. Students will learn how to use these tools to create successful digital marketing campaigns. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the fundamentals of digital marketing
    • Learn about the different types of social networks available
    • Identify the benefits of using Google+ for digital marketers
    • Develop an understanding of best practices for creating a successful Google+ Business page
    • Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of both social media ads and Google Ads
    • Analyze how to use these tools to create successful digital marketing campaigns
    • Explore trends in social media advertising
    • Examine when it is necessary to use Google Ads instead of social media ads
    • Investigate how to leverage the power of popular social media networks for marketing and branding goals
    • Discover ways to push brand image and online presence with Google+
  • Course Description: Economics 101 (Principles of Economics) is an introduction to a wide range of basic topics in microeconomics and macroeconomics. The goal of this course is to help students to develop economic intuition and analytical skills that can be applied to common economic problems, as well as build a foundation for more advanced economics courses. This course concentrates on how markets function, what markets do well when markets do not work well, the distribution of income and wealth, macroeconomic measurements, growth, financial markets, monetary system, the public sector, and international trade. Course Objectives:
    • Develop the basic tools of analysis, comprising both quantitative skills and economic intuition
    • Differentiate between major economic systems
    • Apply the concepts of supply and demand within business settings
    • Define and distinguish various economic costs (implicit, explicit, fixed, and variable costs)
    • Understand the law of diminishing returns
    • Explore the impact that the ease of market entry and exit has on economic and business efficiency
    • Understand basic facts about the U.S. economy
  • Economics 2Course Description: Economics 2 is an intermediate-level online course that builds on the principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics. This course will introduce you to more advanced concepts in economics such as market structures, game theory, international trade, monetary policy, and fiscal policy. You will also develop your critical thinking and problem-solving skills as you explore real-world examples and case studies. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, and assignments, you will deepen your understanding of economic theory and its practical applications. This course is ideal for students who have a basic understanding of microeconomics and macroeconomics and are looking to take their knowledge to the next level. Course Objectives:
    • Analyze different market structures, including perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly
    • Explain the impact of government policies on market outcomes, such as price controls, taxes, and subsidies
    • Understand the basics of game theory and apply it to decision-making in strategic situations
    • Analyze the benefits and drawbacks of international trade and its impact on different countries
    • Evaluate different exchange rate systems and understand how they affect international trade and investment
    • Understand monetary policy, including the role of central banks, interest rates, and the money supply
    • Analyze fiscal policy and its impact on the economy, including taxation and government spending
    • Understand the basics of economic growth, including factors that contribute to it, such as technology and human capital
    • Evaluate different approaches to income distribution and poverty reduction, including welfare programs and minimum wages
    • Apply economic analysis to real-world problems and make informed decisions based on economic principles
