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  • Course Description:  This course will explore proven steps and strategies on how to effectively manage your time and accomplish more, even when resources are limited. 
    Prerequisite: 1st year student  
    Learning Objectives: 
    • Identify psychological stumbling blocks and strengths 
    • Learn and develop strategies on how to effectively manage your time 
    • Develop a time-management system that fits with individual needs 
  • The Psychology of Attracting New Customers Training, for Non-Sale People Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This course is designed to help non-sale people understand the psychology of attracting new customers. It will provide you with the knowledge and skills to effectively use psychological principles to engage and convert potential customers. You will learn how to identify customer needs, create compelling messages, and build relationships that drive sales. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the fundamentals of consumer psychology
    • Identify customer needs and motivations
    • Develop effective marketing strategies
    • Create persuasive messages that resonate with customers
    • Leverage emotional triggers to influence customer decisions
    • Utilize social proof techniques to increase conversions
    • Build relationships with customers through personalization
    • Identify opportunities for upsells and cross-sells
    • Analyze customer data to optimize marketing efforts
    • Measure success using key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Course Description: This course enables students to develop the skills and concepts needed to ensure the ongoing contribution of a firm's operations to its competitive position. It helps students to understand the complex processes underlying the development and manufacture of products as well as the creation and delivery of services. Topics encompass:
    • Process analysis
    • Cross-functional and cross-firm integration
    • Product development
    • Information technology
    • Technology and operations strategy
    Course Objectives:
    • Explain the strategic role of operations management and its competitive advantage for organizational survival
    • Explain the relationships between the operations function and other functional areas of a business such as marketing, finance, and information systems, and how they can work together to achieve the business strategy
    • Explain approaches to designing and improving processes
    • Use relevant electronic spreadsheet tools (e.g. solver) to solve operations management problems
    • Apply/analyze relevant quantitative models to solve real-world problems
    • Appraise real-life business situation and suggest solution alternatives as related to operations management tools/techniques
  • Supply Management Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This course is designed to provide an overview of the fundamentals of supply management. It will cover topics such as identifying and acquiring resources, managing suppliers, coordinating inbound and outbound logistics, optimizing product flow, and developing a strategic approach to procurement. By the end of this course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of supply management. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the definition and purpose of supply management
    • Identify resources needed for operations
    • Acquire resources from suppliers
    • Manage suppliers effectively
    • Coordinate inbound and outbound logistics
    • Optimize product flow from raw materials to delivery
    • Develop a strategic approach to procurement
    • Analyze risks associated with supply management
    • Utilize technology to improve supply chain processes
    • Apply best practices for successful supply management
  • Strategic Planning for For-Profit Organizations Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This online course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of strategic planning for for-profit organizations. It covers topics such as the impact of strategic planning on profit performance, the differences between nonprofit and for-profit strategic planning, how to build a strategic plan, and more. By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to create and implement a successful strategic plan for your organization. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of strategic planning for for-profit organizations
    • Learn about the impact of strategic planning on profit performance
    • Compare and contrast nonprofit and for-profit strategic planning
    • Identify key elements of a successful strategy plan
    • Create a SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
    • Develop measurable goals to track progress toward objectives
    • Utilize data to inform decisions about strategies and tactics
    • Implement best practices in communication with stakeholders throughout the process
    • Monitor progress toward goals using metrics and analytics
    • Evaluate outcomes against objectives to determine success or areas needing improvement
  • Standards of Charitable Accountability Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This course will provide an overview of the standards for charitable accountability and how they are used to ensure that charities operate in a responsible and transparent manner. It will cover topics such as the BBB Standards for Charity Accountability, the Accountability Standards, and Charity Navigator's rating system. Participants will gain an understanding of how these standards can be used to evaluate charities and make informed decisions when donating. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the importance of charity accountability standards
    • Learn about the BBB Standards for Charity Accountability
    • Identify key components of the Accountability Standards
    • Evaluate a charity using Charity Navigator's rating system
    • Analyze financial statements to assess fiscal responsibility
    • Develop strategies to ensure transparency in charity operations
    • Discuss best practices for board governance in charities
    • Examine ethical considerations related to paid staff members and their relatives in governing bodies
    • Assess results reporting systems used by charities
    • Implement measures to promote public trust in charitable organizations
  • Introduction to Sport Management Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This course is designed to introduce students to the dynamic nature of sport management. Topics covered in this course include sports within our culture, sports enterprise, planning and organizing sporting events, budgeting and finance, marketing and promotion, legal issues in sport management, human resource management in sport organizations, and ethics in sport. By the end of this course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of the field of sport management. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the scope of the sport industry as a major business enterprise in the US and globally
    • Explain the various components of sports management such as planning and organizing sporting events, budgeting and finance, marketing and promotion, legal issues in sport management, human resource management in sport organizations, and ethics in sport
    • Analyze how different aspects of sports are managed on a daily basis
    • Develop an understanding of how to effectively manage personnel within a sports organization
    • Evaluate ethical considerations when managing a sports organization or event
    • Examine how marketing strategies are used to promote a team or event within a competitive environment
    • Identify legal issues that may arise when managing a sports organization or event
    • Design strategies for creating successful budgets for sporting events or organizations
    • Apply knowledge gained from this course to real-world scenarios related to sports management topics such as personnel management or budgeting for an event or organization
    • Demonstrate an understanding of key concepts related to the field of sport management through written assignments and class discussions
  • Small Business Management Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This course is designed to provide an in-depth overview of small business management. It will cover topics such as accounting, employee management, product development, and much more. The goal of this course is to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to successfully run a small business. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the fundamentals of small business management
    • Learn how to create a successful business plan
    • Identify the key elements of financial management for a small business
    • Develop strategies for marketing and sales success
    • Understand the importance of customer service in running a small business
    • Learn how to manage employees effectively and efficiently
    • Develop an understanding of risk management and legal compliance for small businesses
    • Gain an understanding of the importance of technology in running a successful business today
    • Learn how to use data analysis tools to make informed decisions about your business operations and growth strategy
    • Understand how to develop effective strategies for long-term success in the competitive world of small businesses
  • Course Description: This course is design to provide insists on how to run meetings in groups and clubs. Roberts Rules of Order will help to promote and encourage students to foster skills essential to the ethical, social, and professional function of formal meetings. The course prepares students to become engaged and constructive members of a diverse, dynamic, and engaged society. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the history of Parliamentary Procedures and why they are important
    • Master terminology related to major actions undertaken within parliamentary procedure
    • Identify, analyze, and develop the basic components of Bylaws
    • Design a meeting Agenda
  • Public Fiscal Management Course Syllabus

    Course Description: Public fiscal management is the process of managing public funds and resources to ensure the efficient and effective use of government money. This online course provides an overview of public financial management systems, institutions, and capacity building in developing and emerging economies. Through this course, you will gain the conceptual tools and practical skills needed to analyze, understand and play a role in the public finance sector. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the principles of public financial management
    • Learn how governments acquire and spend public money
    • Gain knowledge about budgeting, revenue policy, financial reporting, and audit compliance
    • Develop skills for analyzing public finance data
    • Learn how to make informed decisions about resource allocation
    • Understand the importance of transparency in public financial management
    • Analyze the impact of economic policies on fiscal management
    • Explore different approaches to fiscal policy formulation
    • Examine case studies related to public financial management
    • Develop strategies for improving fiscal performance
