Sport Management, Introduction | Business | Online Courses


Introduction to Sport Management Course Syllabus

Course Description:

This course is designed to introduce students to the dynamic nature of sport management. Topics covered in this course include sports within our culture, sports enterprise, planning and organizing sporting events, budgeting and finance, marketing and promotion, legal issues in sport management, human resource management in sport organizations, and ethics in sport. By the end of this course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of the field of sport management.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the scope of the sport industry as a major business enterprise in the US and globally
  • Explain the various components of sports management such as planning and organizing sporting events, budgeting and finance, marketing and promotion, legal issues in sport management, human resource management in sport organizations, and ethics in sport
  • Analyze how different aspects of sports are managed on a daily basis
  • Develop an understanding of how to effectively manage personnel within a sports organization
  • Evaluate ethical considerations when managing a sports organization or event
  • Examine how marketing strategies are used to promote a team or event within a competitive environment
  • Identify legal issues that may arise when managing a sports organization or event
  • Design strategies for creating successful budgets for sporting events or organizations
  • Apply knowledge gained from this course to real-world scenarios related to sports management topics such as personnel management or budgeting for an event or organization
  • Demonstrate an understanding of key concepts related to the field of sport management through written assignments and class discussions
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