Management of Technology | Industry Specialized Training |


Course Description: 

This course introduces students to the steps necessary to analyze a problem in information technology and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution, with a focus on how to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs. Students learn to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations, and society. This course leads students to recognize the need for continuing professional development and imparts an understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues, and responsibilities in information technology.  

Course Objectives: 

  • The fundamental connections linking core business strategy, technology, and innovation 
  • How these functions intertwine to play a central role in process layout, systems, structural design, and product development, as well as supporting an organization’s overall success 
  • About the latest trends and research 
  • About assessment methods for organization and management processes
  • About special tools and techniques for managing and organizing Technology and Innovation 
SKU: 8300 Category: Tag:


Our online continuing education courses offer a modern, innovative approach to learning for the global market. Our courses are composed of interactive components such as multimedia, simulations, and virtual reality activities that are tailored to various learning styles and cultures. These components help create an engaging and immersive learning environment for participants. We also provide video instruction which can be used to quickly understand concepts or review material in the future. Additionally, we incorporate social elements like discussion forums, peer review assignments, and gamification to encourage participant engagement with the course material. With our cutting-edge online education courses, learners can gain knowledge quickly while having a dynamic experience.

  • Interactive activities and learning path
  • Instant Access to our platform/multimedia content
  • 1-year full access to the purchased courses