Essentials of Workplace Safety | Labor Basic Skills | Online Courses


Course Description

This course covers essential workplace safety practices, including hazard identification, risk assessment, and emergency response.

Course Objectives

  • Understand the basics of workplace safety.
  • Learn hazard identification techniques.
  • Develop skills in risk assessment.
  • Emphasize emergency response procedures.
  • Prepare students for maintaining safety in the workplace.

Course Outcomes

  1. Explain the basics of workplace safety.
  2. Identify hazards effectively.
  3. Conduct risk assessments.
  4. Respond to emergencies properly.
  5. Maintain safety in the workplace.


Course Contents:


  1. Introduction to Workplace Safety
  2. Hazard Identification Techniques
  3. Risk Assessment Methods
  4. Emergency Response Procedures
  5. Maintaining Workplace Safety
