ESL Advanced Level for Military Personnel


Main Objective: Achieve proficiency in English sufficient to perform high-level tasks within military operations, including leadership communication, technical explanations, and strategic discussions. 

Course Description: This course refines and perfects language skills, with a focus on the fluent and spontaneous use of English in complex and sensitive military contexts. 


  1. Advanced Grammar and Syntax: Mastery of all verbal tenses, advanced passive constructions, and conditional sentences. 
  2. Technical and Operational Vocabulary: Deep dive into language used in strategy, technology, and international military cooperation. 
  3. Critical Listening Skills: Accurate understanding of nuanced details and implied meanings in complex scenarios including negotiations and alliances. 
  4. Professional Speaking Skills: Delivering presentations, leading meetings, and participating in high-level discussions with fluency and accuracy. 
  5. Advanced Reading Skills: Critical analysis of complex texts such as treaties, technical research, and policy documents. 
  6. Sophisticated Writing Abilities: Drafting official documents, persuasive essays, and comprehensive analyses with precision and clarity. 
SKU: 6739-1-1 Category: Tag:


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