Construction Management and Inspection | Construction | Online Courses


Construction Management and Inspection Course Syllabus

Course Description:

This online Construction Management and Inspection course provides participants with the knowledge necessary to succeed in real-life applications of construction management. Through comprehensive instruction, this class will cover topics such as contracts and project development, site safety management, contract administration procedures, and risk assessment strategies. This course is ideal for those interested in pursuing a career in construction management or inspection.

Course Objectives:  

1.      Explain the fundamental principles of contracting methods used on public works projects

2.      Interpret plans and specifications of public works projects through discussion on proper standards related to material testing protocols

3.      Analyze various construction processes relating to precision measurement techniques

4.      Describe State laws pertaining to the filing process for requesting road closures associated with private work projects

5.      Examine soil stabilization materials including lime treatment and chemicals stabilizers

6.      Designate appropriate means & methods when using haul roads during bridge projects

7.      Differentiate between various types of asphalt mixes according to applicable ASTM Standards

8.      Utilize standard practices while performing inspection duties on reinforced concrete works

9.      Identify potential rules & regulations set by local agency boards concerning stormwater quality

10.   Summarize preventative measures needed

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