When we think of a typical kindergarten classroom, we might imagine children learning their ABCs and 123s, but what about their emotions? Emotional intelligence (EI) is a set of skills that allows young children to understand and manage their own emotions, and those of others. Research shows that kindergarten is a crucial time for developing these skills, which can have a profound impact on children’s success in life. As parents and caregivers, we can play a key role in promoting emotional intelligence development in young children.

The Benefits of Emotional Intelligence for Kindergarten Children

Developing emotional intelligence in kindergarten can help children in many ways, including:

Better performance in school: Children with higher emotional intelligence tend to perform better academically, as they are better able to manage their emotions and focus in the classroom.

Improved relationships: Emotional intelligence allows children to understand and empathize with others better, creating more positive relationships in both school and later in life.

Reduced behavior problems: Children with better emotional intelligence are less prone to behavioral problems, such as tantrums or aggression, as they are better able to regulate their emotions in a healthy way.

Increased resilience: Emotional intelligence teaches children to cope with difficult situations, which can help them develop resilience and adapt to change and loss in a healthier way.

Ways to Promote Emotional Intelligence Development in Kindergarten

Here are a few ways that parents and caregivers can promote emotional intelligence development in kindergarten-age children:

Encourage Emotion Recognition

Help young children understand and label different emotions by encouraging them to express how they feel and modeling emotional expression yourself.

Create a Safe Space for Emotions

Provide a safe and nurturing environment for children to express their emotions without fear of judgment or punishment.

Practice Positive Discipline

Use positive discipline techniques, such as redirection and positive reinforcement, to encourage healthy emotional expression and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Foster Empathy & Socialization

Encourage young children to develop empathy and socialization skills by providing opportunities for group play and teaching them how to work through conflicts with their peers.

Practice Mindfulness

Introduce mindfulness activities, such as deep breathing or meditation, to help children develop self-regulation and reduce stress.

Why Emotional Intelligence in Kindergarten Matters

According to a research study by the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, developing emotional intelligence in kindergarten can have long-lasting effects. It not only predicts academic success in later years, but it is also a strong predictor of career success and overall life satisfaction.


Emotional intelligence development in kindergarten is crucial in setting the foundation for future success in life. By promoting emotional intelligence through fostering safe and nurturing environments, practicing positive discipline and mindfulness, and encouraging socialization and empathy, we can help our children develop the skills they need to be resilient, emotionally healthy, and successful individuals. Let’s prioritize emotional intelligence from a young age and watch our children thrive.